

Romeo save me!

I read the stories that passed in my newsfeed. Different stories about Romeo and Juliet.
I smiled and suddenly fell down when I remembered that I also had my own Romeo in my life. He's Kalvin, we've been together for almost a year old.
To all the men who courted me, Kalvin is the only one who captured my heart. Apparently I was Juliet who fell in love at first sight of Romeo.
Many objected to our love but we stayed strong to fight for the love that was formed. From parents and the few who don't like our relationship.
What can they do? That's how much we love each other.
No one can hinder.
Because that's how much I love Romeo of my life.
And I know he's the same.
We love each other so much. In that very long month we never disappoint each other. We are already a perfect couple, just like what they said.

I still remember how he courted me, how he knelt in front of our schoolmates. How our fellow students would be patient, how he asked for my hand to be his partner.

I also see how envy is in the eyes of the people who witnessed that meet.

At those times I was Juliet whom my Romeo fought for.

"Julianne Grace Peña, will you be my girlfriend?"

That's exactly what Kalvin said those times to me. Seems like everything suddenly stopped, something was playing in my lower abdomen, it seemed to be gone around and only him I could see.

As I was saying "Yes" I just found myself from Kalvin while happily rotating in the air. Because of being so happy he immediately put me down with a kiss and a tight hug.

"I love you so much, Julianna"
I gave a quick kiss on his lips,

"I love you too, Kalvin"
It's nice to remember such memories. A memories that would never be neglected. A happy memories that will always be remembered.


I got back to reality due to a sudden telephone sound. I washed my hands first because my hands were a bit smelly because I cut the meat that I will cook later. It's only three pm, I'm a little busy becuase my visitors will come today.

After talking to someone who called, I immediately went back to what I was doing. Being a culinary student is really a talent. I can beautify a simple dish. He will surely be surprised.

When I finished preparing the food I thought of taking a bath so I could be presentable to my guest later.

About thirty minutes before I finished preparing, food and drinks were prepared as well as cutlery.

" Fuck!"
I screamed when I was almost slip when I entered the bathroom. My eyes widened when I saw a thing that made me almost slip on the floor.

You really really love to hurt me! I was so mad and took a knife ar the kitchen. Without further ado I stabbed the sack in the kitchen.

" Ha! There! You really want to hurt me, okay!"

I wipe my forehead because theirs a sweat brewing, regardless of the blood that sticks on my forehead from my hand holding a knife.

I just laugh while thinking that a former Juliet like me seems to have been a bloody wolf. Juliet formerly weak became more of a fighter. Because not all Romeo has been faithful. Like Kalvin. In a few months with him is not just full of happiness,giggleness and fun.

I forgave several times, I became blind several times. He made me stupid a few times, he hurt me so many times. I thought Juliet killed herself, but for what Kalvin did she's slowly killing me.

And at this time it's me who tried to hurt him, it's a thing I never did!

I immediately approached the sack again. His face is taking a bath with his own blood. The dead Calvin was full of blood.A poor Calvin.

" Are you mine?"I asked

" Romeo is for Juliet only. Kalvin is for Julianna only."
I laugh

Is it my fault? It's just that I love him. I don't want him to be with anyone else.
"I would rather kill my Romeo than let him be with the new Juliet"
I immediately coated the tears that got away from my eyes and immediately stood up when I heard that there was a doorbell.

" Be ready, love. You're going to be with someone there "
I immediately stood up sitting on the tiles.
"Let's see if my best friend enjoy with you like the night something happened between with you two"
My last sentence as I went out of the bathroom to welcome the visitor I've been waiting for a while ago.
