

Astha - Forbidden name!
All she could say is the utterance of her daughter's name- Astha!

An old man was watching all this and he came near to her and tried to comfort her when all the people turned back to see who the man is.
At that time told he will convey the story of Astha.

When he started narrating the story people returned to that place to hear the terrible tale of Astha.

The old man said, ' It happened that there lived a newly wedded couple who were new to the city. Their name was Astha and Ankush. People loved to watch them caring and loving each other so much. Days passed and Astha became pregnant. Neighbourhood celebrated this happiness together. Everything was normal and peaceful between them. They were living a happy life until one day, Ankush got busy with his work and called Astha to inform them that he'll be late but there was no response from the other side. He kept on calling but still, there was no response. He thought she might have fallen asleep already and continued to work.
The next day also it happened the same that he got work and when he called Astha there was no response. He got angry but he thought to not upset her as she was pregnant. Few days it continued but both of them never talked about it.

To be continued...
© Eve_writes_