

A Beauty By Goodbye
We have moved beyond what beauty, had I to know by once held in my open hand to write since long ago.
Now we have moved again,
as though beyond words,
past lines that which once drew you in,
as if so you had been written into my world,
penned in new to draw before you,
a world deserving for two beyond more grows into giving room to run as waters for rivers of words flow captured by their life in rhythm sown in melody of time cultivated landscapes for music fills the trees with leaves by seasons rhythm finds exactly as described by hand a wind blows within,
what one pictures in one's own mind then dreams finely painted details meant to excite for one at heart for rhythm what might it tap to be in beat a song for two sung in duet as were to map in life as drawn in outlines futures still unknown, just where in time without place to find one lost and off to wander left behind banished by a world one made just from one of their own,
so wondering of where did my days in light go so wrong to banish me by letter then from where I once had called my home.
to be lost in now for a life time passed long ago as so I too should have how i still walk all paths and roads for darkest lengths of depths unknown,
as to all some more win tears to fall of nights by age to dress for death in armor were so a soul not lay disarmed of life lost for death to make naked were they forgotten of to collect be left as a dead body meant egregious fate as traps a soul when buried in a second death await to rot of anybody left as ghosts in chase of death left to retrace life lost in their steps once witnessed happiness taken from now by loss it haunts to find escape from emptiness of mist is an apparition a tortured spirit by fog is all a once full life unable anymore to hold or recall by memory felt if not to be by death it walks the roads of life's paths and ways fears in hearts of travelers when catch a glimpse it ghostly decrepit body it carries with it in reflection of current state still dressed embodies not age to ask or see Id by death left to rot mistaken to all but time left lost unidentified for age last left off is eternity of time forced to walk then somewhere past the stars and universe when it ends beyond not even soon to be a memory not for a beauty, to ever grow old with if were I still to know of or still to be remembered, by her for any more than forgotten, the same fate lost alone to wander then for probably the better by,
not for the last of shared in life experience, as it were to be as ugliness, in a moment of weakness, unbecoming and though the first impression,may be at times just as important as if it were the last impression that is lasting in importance left as always to be remembered by should start with good for worse is unsaid for any to be of same for nothing wills to leave for anymore I will then be not remembered but out of character lost to be a crossroads of all paths named uncertainty,

Please pardon this reading eruption of the rather dormant...