

Odisha story series part III: Fan-Meet
The main reason I went to Odisha was to meet a big writer and get her autograph.

We met in yourquote an year ago and with time, we became good friends. How good friends we may be, she never believed someone would travel 400km to get her autograph. When I first mentioned I'll be coming, she thought it was a joke ahead of april fool's day. Her friends asked her to stop dreaming because no way this is real.

She is not a world famous writer yet, in fact she is just like any of you, a passionate writer. I believe she will be a bestseller when she publishes her book. She will be surrounded by hundreds of fans and I hate standing in queues. Thought I'll get my autograph while I can.

On the day of our planned meet, I was supposed to travel 60kms from Puri by bus. I dont know if it was the nervousness or excitement, I wasn't feeling that great. My parents suggested I stay put. Makes sense. They'd be worried. Travelling in a foreign land with sickness. It was time I made my call. I remembered a conversation with a certain someone who told me meeting people is in destiny's hand. If we are destined to, we will, if not, you can't do a thing. And in no way was I going to lose this opportunity, so I broke destiny's hands and decided to shove it up its ***.

I took the bus. Reached by 10 in the morning, met her. We had sugarcane juice, dahivada-aloodum. We sat and talked, I took her autograph in my diary and let me tell you, she was polite and was an amazing person.

*She even gave me chocolates ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧*

She is `big poetess Maple Leaf`.

© TheMaskedIdiot
