

Daryl : Well if everyone's ok then am ready for a challenge.
Ahmed : Yeah common guys if we are doing this let's do it in an authentic way .

Everyone started laughing...and agreed to what Ahmed and Daryl said.
Evan : What's the time now?
Baqi : It's 3:00 pm.
Daryl : Let's do it this evening.
Aadi : What will we say at home?
Ahmed : Let's say we went for a movie together.
Evan : Good idea.
Daryl : Yeah good one.
Baqi : So we are doing this right ? .
Aadi : Yeaaah....

TIME 6:30 PM

The 5 of them were standing in front of the old glass factory.
Daryl : Is anyone over scared. If yes we will drop this at instant.
Ahmed : Yeaah am scared. But f*ck this. Let's do it.
Aadi : Yeah me too but am really interested to do this.
Evan : Stop talking kids. Let's roll. Don't be scared you got a brave man in your team . Hehhe .

Everyone was silent. Like pindrop silent. They were not even listening to Evan.

All of them entered the abandoned building together and started searching for a perfect room. They were really scared that they all were walking together. Evan was leading everyone. After searching for a minute they find a perfect room .
They checked the entire room to be aware of any reptiles. After that every one of them went and stood on their corners.
And the so called brave man Evan was the one who is standing in the centre.
Daryl : I think everyone remembers the rules. On my count at a time turn of your lights.
..........3............2............1 NOw

Everyone turned their lights off. Now it's pitch black in the room. No one can see a thing.

Daryl : 1 .
Everyone shifted.
Ahmed : 2 .
Again shifted.
Aadi : 3 .
Again .
Baqi : 4 .
Shifted again .
Evan : 5 .
Shifted again.
This continued until 10th number was announced.
Everyone was silent. Only the sound of fast breathing was hearing all around.
Evan felt a presence near him. As he moved his hand he touched on someone's body.
At that moment breaking the silence he started screaming : WTF !... I can feel someone. It is near me . What the f*ck is happening........ EVERYONE. HELP !!!

© Eren