

Jeeves saves The day by Markus Sixtenstam.
I have for a long time wanted to write a such book as this but my sickness has stopped me.
I am much better Now and I hope i shall be much better more.
P. G. Wodehouse wrote much about Jeeves And Wooster.
And it is my favorite character.
For me its a pure bliss to read about Jeeves And Wooster.
Now shall I let you read my book.
Hi all my dear reader!!! You have not forget my butler Jeeves have you?
NO? OH thats very good.
I tell you The man is a Wonder.
When i lay in bed in The morning and are tired he steps in with my tea.
Very kind of him dont you think?

This morning was not a very pleasent morning.
I had a meeting with unpleasant People Who always loved to make my life so unhappy they could.
I was so scared i was shaking in all my soul.
Good morning Sir! It was Jeeves.
This is not a good morning My dear Jeeves i said.
NO Sir? May i ask why?
You Can Do that Jeeves i said with a low voice.
Is it something to do with your meeting Sir? Yes Jeeves i said.
Can i be of some use and service Sir?
I dont think even you Jeeves Can help me from this hell.
But you Can sure try.
Yes Sir he said.
I shall do my very best to assist you.
Heres The cake Jeeves i must talk to a group of persons i dislike.
OH Sir that was Most disturbing!
Yes Jeeves it is what shall i do???
If I May Come and suggest you try this first. What i said.
Your pick me up.
Allright Jeeves And I drank it all up in one sip.
What Jeeves places in his very good mixtures i dont realy know, but it made me feel that this world was not so dark and unfriendly as I saw it first.
Very good Jeeves i said.
Thank you so much Sir.
Now back to my meeting.
If I mat Sir Come up with a plan?
You are welcome Jeeves with every plan your got in your pocket.
Thank you so much Sir.
He said and started to explain how i Bertram Wilberforce Wooster should saves from hell on earth.
TO BE Continiued.
Jeeves explains.
Sir i think that If you want to avoid your meeting i should do as following.
What Jeeves i said and was all in ears.
You Can call them on your smart Phone and say you got The cold.
Cold Jeeves i said?
Yes Sir. Only you must sound like you have a nasty bad cold.
And how shall i manage that i asked?
Sir only sniff pepper and other spices so you cough and sounds like you have a very bad flu or cold!
I was amazed. This butler of mine have a such brain so even Stephen Fry had been jealous of it.
Jeeves is only a little problem here.
And May i ask Sir what it is?
You May Jeeves.
I dont have spices.
But that i have Sir said Jeeves.
I dont have seen pepper or other spices here in my flat.
If you recall Sir, i always do The cooking for you. Yes Jeeves but whats that got to do with this?
If I May say Sir, in a meal i put some spices in order to have The meals taste better. I say Jeeves i say.
What a brain you have.
Thank you Sir. Shall i bring in a plate with pepper and other spices?
You May very well Jeeves i said.
And He was gone like The wind in to The kitchen do his charity work to save my life from a hell on earth.
He was Soon back and said.
Sir sniff first in pepper then curry.
And after that chili. And then call mr burgatroyd and snezze.
And cough.
I did so.
The effect was a succé i coughed and snezze so much i could hardly speak.
And when i called burgatroyd he told me he did not want me to Come.
Jeeves i said. Mr burgatroyd did not want me to Come.
I thought so Sir.
Shall i bring in napkins Sir.
Yes Please Jeeves do that.
And Jeeves.
Yes Sir.
Thank you. You did it again.
Not to mention sir.
© Mark