

The saddder I am ,the wiser I become
Tell us about an unforgettable experience that left you sadder but wiser.
I was on a journey to one of my the neighbouring town of my village When I met three ladies walking bear footed with on a scarf on theit heads .
The first lady was fair in complexion.The middle lady was somehow fair while the last lady was dark by complexion.
I took a step back when I say them approaching me but I stood their stranded not knowing what to do . The first lady extended her hand for greetings but I was contemplating to give in or withdraw,the other lady smiled at me while the other frowned her face .The moment I rejected all of them left without saying anything so I just continue exploring the town.
Before I could understand wat was going on ,I saw a crowd of people coming towards me and asking me to vacate and leave the village.they spoilt all my materials including my camera and my other things. I was shocked that's when I saw the 3 ladies Making their way towards me"hey miss ,you come to our village, snapping picture without our permission and yet you couldn't greet anyone and here you are asking wat happened.that wen I realized the mistake I made by not even greeting them from far .since from that that I become wise of exchange pleasantries with anyone's I find even if it's from far because I was sad abt my camera because it contained alot of important picture of my adventure.
© untold_writters