

It's okay 😉
It’s okay if all you’re able to do today is just survive. Not everyday has to be spent thriving and progressing and being the best version of yourself. Somedays, all we can do is just go through the motions and exist. And that isn’t weak or pathetic or shameful. It’s human, and on days you’re struggling, it’s enough. Your survival is radical. It’s radical to continue to show up every day and try when the world feels heavier than you can bear. It’s radical to be alive and exist despite all the forces working against you. Just waking up can be a victory. Just getting out of bed and facing the world can be a success. You’re allowed to take a step back and give yourself permission to breathe. You’re allowed to do less and give less when you feel like you’re drowning. You’re allowed to prioritize your self-care.! ❤️🌈

© Infinite soul