

Inner demon(Reunion) Ep3

He collapses upon impact, but manages to rise to his feet and make his way home despite his injuries.
He ignored his mother's commandment and ventured into the basement.
There, he found a healing potion and consumed it.
But instead of feeling stronger, he felt even more weak.
The mother returns back and apologizes to Shawn, for how she acted at his school today.
But Shawn is just too weak to even care.

The following day.....
Shawn gets up from bed vomiting red subtances into the toilet.
And goes to meet his mom at the basement.

"Goodmorning Shawn, I'm sorry I didnt make breakfast" Said Mother looking for something
"I'll be there in just some minute" She added panicking
"That's not why I'm here, I was feeling weak yesterday" Said Shawn
"So I needed to come in here and take some.... healing..... potions, but surprisely I feel more weak" he added
"Right.....are the symptoms weakness, vomiting....." Asked the mother suspiciously
"Yes...." Shawn quickly responds
"Destiny always has it's way, doesn't it" She said outloud
"What are you talking about?" Shawn asked confused
"You drank. exactly what I was looking for.." The mother said and sighed
"Thats not a healing potion" she added worried

"Thats a demon potion" she added again
"Our forefather crafted this demonic potion with great care and precision. Its ingredients were chosen with the utmost consideration, as it possesses the power to unleash the darkest of forces" She narrated carefully
"But, one day, the potion fell down from one of our forefather breaking into 4 pieces" She continued
"Your biological father went on this mission to reunite the 4 pieces and restore peace, but your father didn't make it" She said
"Demons with time, would start appearing out of nowhere, if the now 5 pieces are not reunite" She concluded
"Why didnt you tell me ealier?" Shawn asked with fear.
"I was still waiting still you get to 16, that's why I never let you near the potion aswell" said the Mother with tears in her eyes.

"Now...., it's your time to face them, I don't think there's is any time left" Said the Mother
"A portal will take you in the new dimension, within some hours" she added with panic.

His mother decides to take him to a simulated dimension where deadly demonic creatures reside.
This is where he will undergo training and exercise. It is imperative that he is prepared for the worst.
There is no room for error in this dangerous environment.
The stakes are high, and failure is not an option. It is a grim and terrifying reality, but it must be done.

The main portal opens and gives him exactly 4 hours to complete the task, Shawn takes a deep breath and is then transported into a burning and collapsing building.
He takes immediate action and seek safety in case of any harsh situations.
He looks from a far distance and sees a group of huge creature coming his way.
He picks up a stone and makes a fighting stance to the creature.
But his heart suddenly melted when he saw they were harmless baby trolls
And then, they attack him......

Shawn still manages to kill them off, the baby trolls.
By pushing the leader into the burning fire.
The potion of the troll flys to Shawn, and grants him the power of MULTIPLICATION
He is stunned by the new discovery, and decides to examine the building for some seconds
But another portal opens up, and sucks Shawn into another dimension.

Shawn was captivated by the stunning scenery around him when he suddenly stumbled and fell into a deep, narrow hole.
As he tried to regain his footing, he came face to face with a menacing black shadow demon.
This demon had the shape of a human, but with red horns attached to his head
Shawn gazed at the creature for a few minute from a distance, frozen in fear.

© by lunatic tales