

To the Dearly Departed
To the Dearly Departed, all who have loved, and lost, and parted
For those who were fools for the lights in their eyes
And the lost ones, now, who stare up at the skies,
wondering how they could do it,
and why. ..
you're the better half, you know, don't you? of the deal where the bad people, released you?
did you wish to continue, on such a path, with loved ones who, were all wrong, who,were not on your level, in fact, didn't you seem surrounded by those who wished you wrong, and those many long year's you spent, ignoring so many behaviors, cried too many times alone, when it was supposed to be your night? hadn't you celebrated for them, time and time and time again? didn't you feel, at least somewhat relieved, when it all blew up, and you watched them walk away from you, hand in hand, and you saw them leave, didn't some tiny part of the deepest seed inside of you, begin to spread out and form the flower that we now see? don't you know, really truly know, you're worth more than they could ever see? or be either one, half as worthy of, as you were, or half as loving, giving, wonderfully magically, full of life and adding meaning to the mundane, clearly one of those people who make life worth living?
I'm here to tell you the truth, behind the lies, you're full of life and light,and thar innocent mischief in your eye, it's merely merry gift giving, and the overboard you went for birthdays, the ones you threw, . you. you're sweet and funny and crazy in the best ways, you'd do well to avoid friends like that, I know it is sad to say, but in your future days, avoiding such, can only be the better way,since they couldn't even bother to tell you, even this much truth,
that your love was worth so much more than they had to give.