

His pov
When we make love
Feels like I have wings attached to my back
Her small petite body satisfies me in ways no one can:
The way she blows feathery kisses over my face
Fills my inside with endless pleasure
The look of amazement on her face when I undo her bra in a swift and proffesional way is priceless
When she brush her aroused titties against my bare chest
She puts me on bliss overload
When I taste her delactable breasts placed conveniently before me
I feel supercharged and my body yearns for more
The way her mouth touches me intimately and hair tickles my shoulder
Oh boy, it drives me insane
The way she squeezes like a gentle vise when she tightens around me
Makes me have trouble getting enough air in my lungs
When she moans, it feels like I hear Micheal Jackson 'Butterfly'
And damn, when we share touches and quick kisses while our body settles in a matched rythm of offering
I feel closer to heaven
Buh you know the sweetest part, it's when she grabs the skin of my black ass nudging me to thrust deeper
© keesmuuah💕