

looking back,a letter to the old me
in 2 days I will be 41 years old and I find myself looking back.am I smarter kinda am I where I wanna be ,no .
there's something in me that I gave to much power to long time ago and I'm taking it back now.
no longer will I let someone steal my life, no longer will I let u put your shortcomings on me because it's not my fault. I won't step back dumd myself down or miss my time to shine for u or anybody else.
I've done that and it suxs living in the shadow of someone who's to dam scared to show the world just how great I am
so again I ask myself am I stronger ,dam right I am am I smarter ,yes and I'm done playing second fiddle to my insecurities
so now I will stand tall I will show pride the mistakes of my past are just that in the past and they will not define my future
so goodbye scared ass old me I gave u 40 years , its it's time the real me take the stage