

Jungkook's POV

I am a werewolf.

And there is a myth saying that from the time we werewolves are finally matured enough to control ourselves, we would meet our soulmates.

And we would be intrigued by them.

So deeply that we would literally fall in love with them, with only one girl in this huge planet.

Lol, what a joke.

Yeah, I may be a werewolf but I still live in the 21st century, so I thought that it would be a total waste to not put my good looks into use.

No one knew about my true identity anyways, except for my pack, that is.

Students in my university know me as the 'playboy', and personally, I am not offended the slightest bit by the name given to me. Whoever has given me that nickname is probably just jealous of me getting their girls when they failed to.

Call me arrogant, call me whatever.

I don't care.

But- yes, there is a but.

There's this one girl, she draws me towards her somehow.

She's mundane. Average.

But I like the way she dresses herself in her oversized hoodies and skinny jeans with her long and dark hair always tied messily into a bun or a ponytail.

The way she pushes her round glasses up her nose bridge when she's listening to someone talking tentatively.

The way she sings her favourite songs out loud like nobody else is watching her as she bobs her head along with the music either in the campus or in the streets.

I could go on for days and nights about liking her ways.

Thanks to her, I think perception of being a playboy as a werewolf is starting to crumble into ashes and debris.

Go Areum, what have you done to me?