

Pick your Poison-Chapter 39: Warned
Chapter 39: Warned

"Are you sure you can manage on your own?" Dino asked for the tenth time now. Meera, slightly running out of patience, threw him a dry look. Did he forget that she spent two years overseas alone.

"Dino, it's for one night. You'll be back tomorrow. I'll live."

"You won't leave the house?"

She nodded. "I promise."

He left the room for a second and returned back with a- "Oh my god! Get that away from me!" Did Dino just extend a gun over to her. Was he crazy? Meera liked to think so. He was clearly acting in that manner.

"Meera, listen to me. You gotta keep this." "No, I'm not gonna leave-" "Fucking listen to me!" He made her stop talking, "Things are getting bad, okay. It's getting dangerous and I don't want to leave you here unprotected." But he had to. "You don't have to use it," he said, "Just keep it with you at all times. It's locked but you can pretend to use it on someone just incase."

Meera just stood there, expressionless. All Dino had said was that they'd gotten a lead on the person who was responsible for putting Randal behind bars; and that he was going with Ryan to check it out. Now, she was beginning to doubt his reason. This clearly did not look like something he was just going to 'check out.'

Dino swallowed hard before speaking. "Alright look, I'm sorry. I would've-" He stopped, ran a hand over his face. "I hate leaving you alone. I don't wanna. I would've stayed if we weren't out of men. I can...if I can just get one of my guys to take my place."

Meera melted. "Dino, I'll be fine," she walked up to him, "Leo is gonna check on me when he gets back from I have no idea where and I have your earpiece thingie." Yet, Meera still found herself taking the gun from his hand. "But if it makes you feel better, I will keep it."

"Do you know how to use it?" Meera was never going to use it. "Yeah, you just unlock the gun, pull the trigger and shoot."


"It's okay," she smiled, flashing the killing object across his face, "I'm fine. What time are you even leaving?"

She followed him into the living room, watched him tuck a second gun beneath his shirt at the waistband of his trackpants. Then, as if that was not enough, he secured a knife in the side of his boot. Panic filled Meera.

"Uhm Dino, are you planning on killing someone tonight?"

He spun around, completely oblivious that she was standing there. Cursing once again, he shook his head. "I don't know who we might be dealing with. We just gotta be prepared on our side."

Okay. One, he was definitely lying. And two, why the hell was he lying.

Dino inhaled deeply. "Look, I will explain everything when I get back tomorrow. I know I'm freaking you out. I'm sorry-" "But you will be back right?" Meera cut in. That was the ultimate question. She needed to know that he was going to be alright.

Meera bit her lip when Dino took her hand in his. He took the gun from her, placed it on the couch.

"I will be back tomorrow. No matter what," he added. His words may have been convincing but his expressions definitely weren't. "You promise that you will come back," she demanded, "because honestly, I won't know what the hell to do or where to look if you don't."

The next thing that happened, or rather, the next thing that Dino did was unexpected. But beyond magical. He removed the chain from around his neck and slowly slipped it on Meera's.

"That's my promise princess that I will come back for you."

"Dino?" Her voice cracked. "You didn't...you never took it off?"

He smiled that gorgeous half-smile. "That's because I never found a reason to Meera," he touched the alphabet on the chain with his fingertips, "Now you that reason and this is my promise to you."

The honk of a car outside made them both jump. Meera was the first to break contact, to catch her breath. If it wasn't for the interruption, she swore she would have kissed him. Oh c'mon Meera. He's just going to the next town, not the moon. This was not goodbye.

"That's Ryan. You got your earpiece?"

Meera felt for it behind her hair. "The spare key is inside the coffee jar." "I know Dino. And for the millionth time, I will be fine. Just be safe okay?"

He nodded and touched her cheek before throwing the bag over his shoulder. "Don't leave the apartment." She nodded, waited for him to leave. She heard him lock the door, double-check if it was locked followed by his loud footsteps quickly drifting away.

Whoa! Now she could really catch her breath. What just happened? Meera leaned against the door, smiling like an idiot. Dino was responsible for her feeling this way. She had never felt this way for anyone, period. That gooey butterflies stomach-twisting feeling magically welcomed itself into her body without her permission.

"Meera, can you hear me?" Dino's voice echoed in her ear. Didn't they already check if the earpiece was functioning properly. "Yeah I can hear you loud and clear." When no reply came from the other side, she repeated herself then remembered that you had to press the button for him to hear her.

"Alright, did I leave my laptop behind?"

She hurried to the lounge, saw nothing there. Peeking into the kitchen, she spotted it on the table. "Yeah, it's here. You need it?" "Yes, I'm coming-"

"It's okay. I'll come down."

"No, no Meera. Stay where-" "I'm coming. I'm already out of the door!" she lied, grabbing the laptop and getting the keys from the jar. Dino seriously treated her like a real princess sometimes. She made sure to lock the apartment before making her way down the complicated zig-zag staircase.

Dino was waiting at the entrance of the building, his hood on. "There you go."

"Thanks. Lock the apartment when you go back in."

Meera walked him to Ryan's car, ignoring his random freak outs and pretended not to notice. "Uhm, can you like check with me after about two hours?" she asked, "Would be good to know that you fine." Dino narrowed his eyes, then followed her gaze to the back seat of the car where a bunch of weapons were lying inside an unzipped back.

He mouthed the words "I'm sorry," but his facial expressions gave away his feelings. It killed him to let her see this side of him because he was the only one who really knew how much she hated violence.

"You'll check in with me?"

"Yeah now leave before you see any more fucked up things."

She waved goodbye and shot Ryan a look who stared back at her with worried eyes. Okay, she didn't need to see that. Dino would be fine. Once Dino got in the car, Ryan started the engine and she turned back towards the apartment.

The air was breezy tonight. The stars hidden, replaced by dark clouds that already tasted of rain. Remembering Dino's thousand orders, Meera surprisingly actually found herself heading back to the apartment instead of staying to explore. This was legit the first time that she'd left the building and touched ground. But she was sure that she could do the exploring some other time, most preferably with Dino present.

Wrapped in her own world and thoughts consisting only of Dino, she forwarded her arm to push open the gate when someone grabbed it and pulled her with force. By the time she figured out what was happening, she was already backed up against the side wall of the building with a hard hand over her mouth.

"Don't scream please. I'm not gonna hurt you, I swear." A man about the same age as her had her pinned tightly. She could not escape. Meera knew her eyes held fear. "Look, I promise I won't hurt you." He moved a bit back so that their bodies were no longer touching.

She quickly scrutinized the boy from head to toe. Decent was zero on a scale from one to ten, actually make that minus five. Not only did he look like a gangster, he dressed like one too. It took Meera several seconds to realize that that was exactly how Dino looked to a stranger-like a gangster thug. But he obviously didn't act like one.

"I'm gonna remove my hand. Please, please don't scream okay?" Meera didn't respond but the guy clearly trusted her because he released his hand from her mouth.

"Who are you?!" she demanded roughly. "I saw you dancing the other day-other night, rather. You weren't here before."

Meera flinched. Dino was gonna kill her. No, he was gonna rip her head off.

"You saw me too," the man stated, "I know you did and then you hid." Meera hated to admit it but he was telling the truth. She was alone on the rooftop, waiting for Dino to arrive. She'd seen someone in the opposite building, watching but she didn't see a proper face or didn't think much of it either. But for safety reasons, she'd hid and when she'd gotten back up, the man was gone.

"I didn't catch your face," she admitted honestly. The man nodded, then stepped back. He took out something from his pocket-definitely not a cigarette-lit it and sort of smoked it. The smell was disturbing. Meera could feel her anger rising. "I apologize for inhaling in front of you but it's for you own purposes, trust me."

"I have to go." She turned to leave the same second she heard footsteps and the building gate slide open. "I don't think that's a wise idea. And also, I'm not gonna let you go." The man pushed her back, spoke through gritted teeth. "I know who you are Meera Calbe." He shrugged off his jacket. "Put this on. Now."

But Meera didn't move. She just stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Lady, I'm trying to help you. Some guys have been watching you. Alright, since you came down from your apartment." Next, he removed his cap and put it on Meera's head. "Put the jacket on dammit unless you want me to put that on for you too. And follow my lead. I'm not gonna get killed because of you."

Finally Meera got herself to cooperate. "Why do you wanna help me? Who are you?"

Footsteps echoed in the silence, getting nearer. The man pulled her to another corner spot-a not so obvious looking one and stood in front of her as if shielding her from the world. Who was this guy?

Meera risked a peek over his shoulder and caught shadows approaching on the ground. Did this guy not realize that they were still completely visible? She could feel her heart rate start to increase. What if he lied? What if he was the enemy? Why did she trust him that easily?

"It's alright. I got you," he said, probably after noticing the look on her face. "Just try not to scream...or cough." His tone was pleading. Okay so, clearly not the bad guy. "Name's Brad Wyatt. I live in the next building...kind off. I know you don't know me but you can trust me. I won't hurt you..."

The rest of his words were a blur. Meera's brain stopped functioning after hearing his name. She didn't even know what to concentrate on-the men approaching or the fact that she was talking to Dino's sworn enemy. A million things crossed her mind. Bad things. Did he know that she was with Dino, did he want to find Dino. What if this was a trap set up by him so that he can finally get to take his revenge on Dino. No, that was impossible and completely insane. But then, why was he helping her? He didn't even know. He knew of her, not about her.

"Are they coming?" he asked, forcing her to focus on the current situation. Meera nodded, her eyes roaming around for a suitable hiding spot.

"There's no time for that." He gripped her waist with one hand, "Now put your arms around me. Act casual." Brad inhaled the-what was it, weed?-and blew it directly at her face. Meera shut her eyes tightly, did as she was told. She could not choke, not now. Then, he did it again.-this time, hit her mouth with it. Meera squeezed his vest, holding her breath in.

"My place tonight sugar? What you say?" That he half-screamed, then he leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Play along?"

Heart pounding, body trembling, she managed to find her voice. "Depends," she shot back. "On what babygirl?" Brad blew that disgusting smoke again and buried his face in her neck. That just made matters worse and zero sense. Why would Brad Wyatt want to help her?

"The kind of poison you're having tonight," she said the first slutty thing that came to mind. "Aah, for you, anything is available."

Meera slowly released her eyelids to study their surroundings. About four men were looking around but they seemed less interested in them, despite the fact that they were the only two people here.

"Comon sexy, I live just down the road." "After you..." Brad fake-laughed and moved closer to her. Okay, that was unnecessary and ridiculous. She didn't even allow Dino this close to her. On the plus side though, she was completely blocked by Brad's large built. He had her face hidden good.

One of the men shook their head at the others, then they back tracked.

"They're gone," Meera whispered about a minute later. The guy lifted his head to look at her but stayed in the same position. Seriously! Without thinking, she shoved him back. The surprising thing was that, unlike Dino, Brad actually moved.

"I think I can go back now," she really needed to get out of here, "Uhm, thanks for your help." She started walking. Brad stared at her like she was insane. "Are you seriously gonna go back to the apartment from the front? Do you have like a death wish or something Meera Calbe?" And did he seriously have to use her full name.

"Is there another way to the building?"

Brad raised his brows in a did-you-just-ask-me-that kind of way. "Look, I don't know this...hood okay?" But he did, "And you obviously know that." She wasn't just not from Johannesburg, she had never even been to a low-class area before. How was she supposed to know if a building had two entrances to it.

"Yeah I actually do know," Brad shot back harshly, "I also know that you got the whole world believing that you're kidnapped when you actually not." Another indication that he was fully aware that she was with Dino. "There is another way in the building without getting seen. Follow me."

Meera hated being the needy one. "What apartment you staying at?" he asked. When she sighed, he shot out a bemused laugh. "You know what, screw that. You obviously don't know that either." She didn't know nothing, Meera wanted to say. And this was all her fault. Dino had practically begged her to stay inside the apartment but she didn't listen.

Brad led the way and Meera followed. Finally, he stopped in front of a really old rusted door. The walk wasn't long, it just felt like hours to Meera. She didn't want to be here. Brad kicked the really-stuck door about five times before it eventually gave away and blasted open. Dust exploded the air.


And it was filled with utter darkness. Brad pulled out his cellphone from his jeans pocket and used it as a torch. "Let's go," he said, once again taking the lead. Meera followed.

"Whooaahhh...ow!" she shouted after falling face first on the uneven hard concrete ground.

"What the-are you okay? There's a step...a whole staircase actually!"

"Geez! Thanks for the heads up!" she shot back, holding her face.