

Chapter 1
"I am leaving mom. Alice and the others are here" I said, picking up my backpack from the table.
"Take care and enjoy," she said, sadness creeping on her face.
"Mom, I'll be back in 4 days. We're just going for camping in the mountains. I'll be okay" I said hugging her.
I heard Jack honking and Alice shouting "We'll get late, Mia. Hurry!!"
I waved my mom and hurried down the stairs and hopped into the car.
"Sorry guys," I said.
"Yeah," Jake said.
I looked to my left side to see Alice and Mark sitting beside me. Jake was driving the car and her girlfriend, Monica was sitting in the front seat.
"Hey, Mia. You okay?" Alice asked in a concerned way.


"Yes I am okay, Alice," I said giving her a warm smile.
I wanted to say all these to her, wanted her to know that nothing was okay, but then something stopped me. Maybe because she couldn't understand what I was going through. All my friends think that I am a walking dead person . They call me by nicknames like 'zombie' or 'demon'.
"Do you know we have a new student in our class," Mark asked .
"Ya and he is coming with us," Monica said.
"Who is he?" Alice asked.
"Oh ..his name .. umm..... Maybe he is ...." Jake said all confused.
"Chris" Monica said cutting Jake off. "Jake you need to remember things " she continued.
We all laughed at this. I looked out of the window, ignoring them. I looked at the clouds.
*WHY CAN'T I STAY HAPPY* this sentence kept on coming on my mind.
Finally, after some time we reached our camp. The surrounding was so beautiful. There was something different about this place. There were trees all around us and the sunlight was beaming, falling on our faces. I moved forward , trying to find a place where I could be *myself*. I started to examine the place and didn't notice a rock and just tripped but I did not fall on the ground. Somebody caught me. I thought it would be Jake or Mark, so I turned around to say a thank you but to my surprise, I found a brown-haired boy instead of Jake or Mark.
"Hey you should be more careful," he said.
"Um..yeah. And thank you " I said.
I was confused. Who was he? And why was he so familiar? .
"Oh, I think you guys have already met ." I heard Jake saying who was coming towards us.
"Mia he is Chris and Chris she is Mia," he said introducing us. Then I understood that he must be the new guy Mark was talking about . We shared a smile and then Jake took Chris with him. I just stood there. Looking him go. He looked very familiar.
I saw Alice waving at me. I went to her and helped her to set up a tent. Meanwhile, Jake, Mark, and Chris went to collect woods for the fire, and Monica as usual was clicking photos.
After doing some work, we lit the fire and sat surrounding it . They all started talking but I was only staring at Chris. Alice caught me staring and smirked. I ignored her.
"Okay so we have everything but there's something missing," Alice said.
"Yeah. Umm...Mia maybe you...MIA" I heard Monica shout. I wasn't even listing to them. I was just lost in my own world.
"Yes yes. What?" I asked.
"Maybe you can sing for us?" She continued.
"Yes. We all love her singing " Mark said to Chris.
"Oh, you sing too?" Chris asked raising an eyebrow.
"Too? What else do you know about me?" I asked him. Before he could say anything, Jake cut him off.
"Wait, Mia. I'll bring my guitar from the car" he said and hurried to bring it.
Jake brought his guitar and handed it to me.
"But I don't want to sing," I said.
"Please you have to" Everyone except Chris started requesting.
"Okay okay. I'll " I said a bit disgusted.
"Which song?" I asked.
"The song you sing every time," everyone said together.
I started playing the guitar, trying to make a sweet environment. I slowly plucked the strings and started singing my favorite song, my song. I skipped the first stanza and started from the second one because that was my favorite. There was something different about the lines.

"Adrift a lonely, little cloud
Above ground where I stand so proud"

I slowly started to pluck the strings faster .

"My face glowing loudly through the crowd
As I walk with the beauty of the night"

And as I started singing the chorus, I saw Chris standing and going somewhere . I was about to stop when Jake told me to continue. He followed Chris and I heard Chris whisper that he will come in a while. "Weird" I whispered.

After a pause, I started singing my favorite part, my part.

"But I have walked alone, with the stars in the moonlit sky.
I have walked alone, no one by my side.
Now I walk with you, with my head held high.
In the darkest sky, I feel so alive".
I saw Everyone enjoying and as I was about to stop I saw Chris coming. Our gaze met. I saw his hazel eyes. They were so comforting. A different vibe hit me. I felt happy, energy filling me and I started singing the chorus once again with more energy and with more love.

"But I have walked alone with the stars in the moonlit night.
I have walked alone, no one by my side.
Now I walk with you, with my head held high.
In the darkest sky, I feel so alive."
Everybody got up and clapped. But I was only looking at Chris and he was looking at me. Finally, I realized that I was staring at him like an idiot. I stood up and thanked everyone.
"Your voice is so relaxing," Monica said.
"I love your voice," Mark said.
"And I love you, dummy," Alice said hugging me.
After everyone had went inside their tents , I came out and sat near the extinguished fire. I wanted to be alone . Away from the whole world. I was all alone in the middle of the forest. I saw the guitar beside me. I picked it up. A tear rolled down my eye remembering Abby. Even she loved to play guitar. I looked up to the dark sky and started singing "Consequences" . I played the music softly. I did not want anyone to come out of their tents and make it very awkward for me .

"Loving you was young, and wild, and free.
Loving you was cool and hot, and sweet.
Loving you was sunshine, safe, and sound.
A steady place to let down my defenses.
But loving you had consequ....."
I stopped singing when I heard someone clapping behind me. I turned back to see Chris.
"You sing so well Mia," he said.
"Oh, thank you. What are doing here ?" I asked.
"I can ask the same thing from you," he said.
We shared a smile.
I saw him staring at me crossing his hands.
"What?" I asked softly.
"You haven't changed at all," he said taking a step towards me.
I got confused . From the first day I met him , he has been a mystery guy.
"But we just met, right?" I asked.
He was about to say something, but then he stopped . He stopped and took a step back.
"Good night Mia," he said and turned away from me to go back to his tent. That was rude .
"Wait," I said trying to stop him but I slipped and was about to fall hitting my head hard on the stone behind me, but Chris held me in his arms.
I let out a sigh.
"I would've died tod...." Chris did not let me complete and put his hand on my mouth.
"Never say this again. " He said.
"Now I've come back. Nothing will happen to you. I promise" he said letting me go from his arms. He looked in my eyes and turned again to go back to his tent. I just stood their, spellbound.
"Come back? From where ?" I slowly said.
I looked at him go. He did not turn back. I stood there looking at him when we heard a loud cry . Chris turned back to look at me .
"What's that?" I cried .
"Oh no" he yelled .
"It's my greatest fear" he said .
To be continued......

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