

You Only Live Once
The intricate carvings on the walls swirled into exquisite designs, pillars bearing the weight of the beauty onto the earth. The pale blue clothing covering my skin flowing around me was as light as the air, just like my heart.

The light dampness in the air, was prickling my skin. But it somehow felt good. I'm on a run, and this is cowardice, I know it, I can feel my responsibilities screaming at me from a distance. Fighting against a society that we are a part of is also fighting against yourself in a way and it's taken a toll on me. I have things to sort out, hearts to fix and paths to follow. But why follow a path when you can leave your footprints in the grass blades enhanced with the sparkle of dewdrops?
What if I don't want to be that bird in a cage, safe and tucked away from the world until my owner let's me loose?
Why's it wrong if I decide my life is for me to spend?
How am I tangled in these strings, when I'm not even partly made of paper to sway to what others decide what's good for me?

Sipping the golden brown liquid, the aroma of coffee wafting in the air, I think. Letting my thoughts wander too far away have never did me good, and yet I think. A year of non stop travelling, from the desserts of Sahara to cruising in the Pacific with the air of salt in my lungs. From the buzzling city of New York to the mile long lavender fields of Paris. I healed, I lived and laughed for myself. Stranger danger, but it's always the adventure, and the risk of it for me, its the fuel, and I'm still on the run.

But in the end, when I'm in a wheelchair discarded by children and their grand children in some old age home, where the fluttering in my veins is as subtle as the moths that'd keep me company, I lived for myself despite this society clipping my wings. Isn't that what ultimately matters?

#freedom #girls #women #love #travel #inspiration #sliceoflife

© Hiba Ummer