

It is a state where the mutual love, care and understanding take birth in heart of the people who belongs to this. It is important to be these affection are arises in heart not in mind.

Not only love affairs or friendships are belongs to this but also family and blood relationship are also included this. When two hearts connect with each other then the caring and the feelings of respect comes automatically.

But when the relationship looks like any burden then all the sweetness from it are gone away. The responsibility for this becaomes load of duties other than nothing.

Sometimes small ,small arguments gives a irritating conclusion. It is a very bad phase of life and relationships simultaneously. Because for a good hearted person relationship means life and when he lost it then the aim of his life is lost.

But there are also some selfish people present who have only aim to get the profit from it. Somehow some other kinds of people are also present who are don't want to live in this condition but yes with time they play their role perfectly to take this type of responsibility. But others are the person who first want to a relationship but never want to be take this responsibility. For them happiness from this is good but the problems or any bad situation is seems disgusting things. Gradually with time the responsibility becames a burden of duty for him.

Life is like a small journey where we all have individual personality. No-one can be same. But understanding and cooperation is two biggest thing through which we can build harmony in personal and professional life. Always remember if family and relationships became strength for a human being then he never fails in his life in any condition.