

I never knew
I used to think i knew so much about relationships and love and how to communicate effectivly to be able to maintain a loving and semi heathy relationship having been married for 20 years but u know what, it turns out that i really dont know shit! Never have! 😕I was just so blinded by love and not wanting to bring my kids up into a broken home that i spent a good part of my life devoted to making it work with someone who didnt realize what he had until it was too late.😔 by always being there for him unconditionally and always turning a blind eye to the shit happening behind my back and being done to me right in front of my face.🤔 Stuck it out in a toxic marriage that eventually i had to give up. My only regret is the wasted time 🙄 stuck it out damaging myself in so many ways. ☠ Not only for my kids but for my own mental well being . To find myself because dealing with all that i've dealt with, self often came last as a priority to not only him but to myself.☹ i admit i''ve got my flaws and i tend to be a black sheep( a 100% fuck up) but everything i do ìs with good intentions and hella heart. All i know is that im not going to go thru that shit ever agian.🤨 My heart and mind cant handle it. So if u really love me u need to make me feel that shit!! 💯 Ijs aint no one got time to be half way loved and/or wanted. tf !! i need to be valued and admired. omm because im worth it 👌and this love i have to give is so special that who ever ends up being with me is gonna be one lucky individual.💞 I want to be someones everything like they couldnt even fathom being with another woman.🥰 Smh but thats a fairytale and i guess im alice living in wonderland but im always gonna keep faith that it will find me one day. 🥰 Anywho im peaking 40 so im almost over the hill fml 😒 i really aint got time to be waisting.👍 So adios to the ones who lost me hola to the ones who who might get a chance and aloha to the lucky one i been waiting for u. 💋💘❤💦💦💦
© Hnfgwen