

The Mystery of a Tree 4 - Run off
In this part, they escape from the threat but not for much time....

While they were turning back at the forest, suddenly their car hit a tree alongside the road. They identified it is the soul, it diverse their car. They get off the car and started running but the road was endless and so the old man's soul catch the Sam again. To help Sam the police take his gun out ans shot the old man's soul. But there was no effect with one shot so he shot many. And the old man's soul was slacking, with taking the advantage they run towards the road again. They suddenly saw a car coming in front of them. They stopped the car and they found a man, they asked for help to him and they also tell a short story to them.
"Ok guys! I will help you but hurry up." said the man.
They three sit in the car and ran away.
They reached to the their city. They decided to hide what was happened to them. They put everything in disguise. They not even told to their parents.
After some weeks, when Neil's Parents informed the city police, they began investigation. The police also asked to Matt and Sam but they said that they don't know anything about Neil.
"We don't about Neil !"said Matt.
"He didn't came with us on camp, he denied later." said Sam.
The Police trusted them and agree with them. Later some days, Matt and Sam were not getting off from that incident.
"Sam! I'm too nervous, Why don't we go and check in the forest about Neil, He was our friend. I can't forgive myself. " said Matt.
"Yeh! I'm also little bit." said Sam.
"Then can we go this weekend? " said Matt.
"Ok! We will but no one should know about this." said Sam.
They went in the another car, this time they were prepared and they the police, who was with them in the forest. They reached at the camp point.
"Ok! This time we will try to talk with the soul. If we can something will be better. " said Sam.
"Yes! We will submit ourselves and if it attack on us then the police will help us. We will hide the police in the wild bushes. They went to the house as they had planned.

To be Continued......
