

Uptown Blues Laughs at Soccer Is Life
She liked soccer, but never thought about it as something to apply to life philosophically.
They all jammed into a uber to run up town real fast and suddenly he begins to ramble about life being soccer... Well it sounded like rambling, but he was speaking about something he felt was meaningful.
That girl let out her loud blusey raspey laugh swaying a melodic reply,
"What are you talking about!"
This caught her attention...
"What boy? Life is not soccer, life is not some game like that!"
"Woman. Life is soccer."
For the whole ride they argued, like husband and wife, about soccer being life while their best friend laughed loudly all the way up town.

The dream continued in her coffee.
She drank it to think more.
She drank it to keep reorganizing just to forget.

She won't listen to a song.

She hates soccer.

She doesn't want to dance.

She fakes that she loves it all
because the lives of hundrends, if not thousands depend on her...

He didn't play soccer very well...
The heart wants what it wants.

She fakes that she loves it all
because the lives of hundrends, if not thousands depend on her...

He didn't play soccer very well...
The heart wants what it wants.

She doesn't want to dance.

She fakes that she loves it all
because the lives of hundrends, if not thousands depend on her...

© Loha Panda