

My Native Wolf... Part 6
The two hour walk ended up taking 3 and now my feet are killing me.
“Good thing you’re being generous… I hurt.” Dropping my pack I blop down onto a log. Levi places his pack on the ground and looks as fresh as he did this morning. I hate him. Doing my best to flatten my wild looking mane I want to curse.
“We need to get firewood, set up tents, bathe and get lunch going.” Lunch? What time is it?
“Didn’t we clear walk through lunch?” I watch as Levi unpacks 2 tents, is he looking for something?
“Why are you scanning the trees? Is something going on?” He winks at me,
“Nothings going on, probably a squirrel. Come on let's get some firewood so we can get the fire going before it gets dark. Oh and it’s 4 o’clock.” My stomach picks the perfect moment to growl. Covering it with my hands I feel my cheeks flush.
“You need to eat Clover. Heres some granola till we get everything going.”

The granola was gone in a matter of seconds, what a tease.
“I’ll go this way and get some wood.” Heading to the left I hear Levi behind me.
“Don’t go far, it’s easy to get turned around out here.” I wave at him without turning around. It’s amazing how quickly he has done a 180. Picking up random pieces of wood I have an arm load before long. Making my way back to camp something pink catches my eye. What the heck? Walking over to it I drop my wood and scream…

Dropping the tent poles I run as quickly as I can to Clover. I make it to her in seconds and find her staring at something on the other side of the tree that I can’t see.
“What’s wrong?” She’s as white as a ghost, the smell of rotten fruit permeates the air setting my wolf on edge. Clover points at the tree silently making me walk around to look at what has her on edge.
I let out a string of curses at the sight of lacy pink panties stuck to the tree bark with a knife.
“Those are my stolen underwear.” I know Smith isn’t far from where we stand, he’s as pissed as I am. Moving closer to the tree I don’t care if she discovers out secret early. Without touching the underwear I breath deeply searching for the scent of who may have done this.
Four different male scents I don’t know. Though they are the same from the hotel, only this time I smell a female, not Clover and the scent is familiar… This one I know.

“Oh my God Levi, are you serious? I knew you had some kinks but I never pegged you to be a sniffer.” I hear an animal snort behind me and I scream running for Levi.
“What was that? Is it a wild animal? Are we in danger? How did my undies get out here? Are we being stalked? Followed? I’m scared Levi.” Levi wraps his arm around me and holds me close. I’m searching the brush for an animal when Levi speaks.
“Clover, I wanted to wait to tell you this but now I can’t. Your life is in danger and you need to know what you’re up against.” I’m in danger? The underwear thief is trying to kill me, but why? Looking up at him,
“What’s going on Levi?” He looks sad and worried, but why?
“Smith, come out.” Smith? But I thought he wasn’t going to come with us. Twigs snapping and popping behind me have my climbing up Levi’s side. Turning I see a huge red tinted wolf with a bundle under his neck. My heart is in my throat, is it a pet? Why would he name his pet after his best friend?
“Shift my brother, she needs to know and we need to talk.” Huh? The air around the wolf shimmers leaving an extremely naked Smith in it’s place. He quickly removes the bundle of clothing and covers his manhood.
“Holy shit! You’re a werewolf?” Levi’s hold tightens on my side,
“You know of our kind? How?” Smith remains silent trying to appear small, does he think I’ll bolt? Looking up at Levi.
“You’re one too? Holy shit times 2!” Pulling away from Levi he lets me go looking wounded.
“Please don’t run.” I look him up and down trying to get my thoughts straight. Levi is taller than Smith, his wolf has to be huge.
“I won’t run… How is this even possible?
“Oh my God! No wonder you were pissed this morning about the dog joke… I’m sorry.” Smith laughs but quickly covers it with a cough when Levi glares at him.
“How do you know about our kind Clover?” Has he never read a shifter novel? Werewolves are like every woman's wet dream.
“Shifter romance novels, I like to read.” Again Smith laughs and this time Levi cracks a smile.
“You’re going to have to show me one of those novels. Come here Clover.” Closing the distance between us Levi again wraps his arms around me.
“I’ll answer all your questions soon but right now I need to talk to Smith.” I nod silently clinging to Levi’s mid-section.
“Smell the underwear and tell me what you discover?” Oh shit I got two sniffers to deal with now. Smith inhales deeply.
“4 unknown males and… Linda? How can that be, why?” WHAT? Pulling away from Levi I glare up at him,
“Who the fuck is Linda?” Smith makes himself small.
“She is a she wolf who has been interested in me since we were teens. She wants to be my mate.” I see red.
“You’re sleeping with the woman who stole my underwear? Oh my God, I’m gonna be sick. I’ve joined a clan of sniffers and panty robbers.” Smith is now snorting with uncontrollable laughter and it’s me who glares at his this time.
“Can it wolf boy or i”ll infest your bed with fleas.” His laughter stops sort.
“But that’s so mean.” He looks broken before he snorts with laughter again.
“Sorry, I just can’t keep a straight face. Damn Levi you definitely have your work cut out with this one. I hope my mate turns out to be this spicy.” Levi closes the distance between up ignoring Smith.
“Linda is not my mate, I’ve never slept with her, I already have a mate.” If this is what being stabbed in the heart feels like, I never want to feel this again.
“You good for nothing piece of wolf poop! You’ve been playing at getting into my pants the moment I entered your home and your already mated? What, is she away on vacation and you thought you’d have fun with fresh blood till she got back? You Ass-” Aiming to smack him Levi catches me by the wrist and has me on my back before I can blink.
“You’re right Smith, I do have my work cut out for me.” Levi pushes my thighs apart and snuggles himself against my core. I can feel my traitorous body start to respond to him, he looks pissed.
“I could have worded that better. Wolves mate for life, and I am not officially mated yet because my mate is an unruly, loud, white woman who no matter how much I try to hate and run off only makes me want to strip her naked and claim her again and again and again.” My breath catches in my chest.
“Me? I’m your… but you hate me. You tried to chase me away by being a bully. How could you possibly want me…” Levi stops my rambling by touching his lips to mine. My body melts beneath him, the taste of him on my lips blanks out my brain. When he pulls back he licks his lips.
“Did you feel that? That’s what being a mate feels like. I’ve known about you since I was 13 but I didn’t want it to be true. Gia never lies, I know you can feel it too.” Smith clears his throat.
“As much as I would enjoy seeing you consumate your marriage, I’d rather not.” Levi’s eyes never leave mine.
“We’ll finish this later Clover.” The loss of Levi’s heat between my legs is a punch to the gut but Smith is right, now is not the time. Levi helps me to my feet and pulls me in close to him again while talking to Smith.
“We’ve known Linda since we were kids, I never thought she would be capable of something like this. Why?” Smith shrugs.
“My guess… ever since Clover showed up you’ve been doing nothing but obsessing over her; planning her demise. Linda has been pushed to the side lines. She probably sees her as a threat. Linda is a woman after all, I bet she picked up on the mating scent weeks ago.” I got the shit scared out of me day after day because of a jealous woman?
“You’r probably right. But were did the traitorous bitch get the 4 wolves to help? To threaten another wolfs mate is banishment from the pack. To out right try and kill her is death.” Smith shakes his head.
“I’ll never understand woman...I haven’t caught any unusual scents until Clover found the underwear. Levi, the scent trail is that way, towards the sacred place. I think they mean to jump you sometime along the way. It’s not safe to continue this trip.” Puffing out my chest in defiance Smith cuts me off giving me a look before turning his gaze on Levi.
“Do not risk the life of your stubborn mate over a journey to a place that in all actuality has nothing to do with her transformation. It’s not worth it.” Transformation? What is he talking about? I push Levi away again,
“You’re going to bite me?” He shakes his head and pulls me back in against him.
“After I spank you.” Levi turns back to Smith letting it hang in the air.
“You’re right… Linda can’t be trusted. Clover and I will stay the night here as usual to appear like nothing has changed. Leave the panties there in case they come back to check. Smith I need you to run like the wind to grab everyone else and be back here by dawn. Can you do that?” Smith drops his bundle and shifts before taking off with a yip. I guess we should take that as a yes.
“I’m exhausted.” Slumping back over I pick up all my dropped wood. I’m officially on auto pilot. I walked all day, haven’t eaten and recieved life changing news. I don’t think I can handle much more of anything today.
“Put the wood here in the pile, then how about you go down to the lake and take a dip while I set up the fire?” The words are out of my mouth before I realize I’m saying them.
“But… but… theres fish in there.” Levi smiles while shaking his head.
“Thats where they live, want me to come keep you safe from the scaled scally wags?” Ha, Levi just wants to see me naked. I pretend to scowl at him and take for the lake. The sound of his deep chuckling follows me down the path. I need to make this quick.
The lake is gorgeous but the water is so dark. I swear a huge monster is waiting for me. I am conceeded enough to know I make a delicious snack. Mentally smacking myself I take a deep breath and strip naked. To the right of where I stand I see a rock shelf covered in moss. The water doesn’t look to deep and I’ll be able to see the killer fish coming.

5 minutes into my bath I just went completely under and came up like a mermaid facing the shore. Oh my God this water feels good. I hear levi clearing his throat in front of me. I squeal and flip around covering myself the best I can. I take a minute to gather myself. I just full on mermaided out of the water and he was standing there getting a full look of my breasts. I manage to whisper.
“I’m not done yet.” I hear him come closer.
“I can see that but dinners almost done and I brought you clothes, come on out.”Shit, I really didn’t bring any clothes down here with me.
“Oh ok… Well please can you just leave them on that log and I’ll be up in a minute.” Levi doesn’t say anything for so long I don’t think he’s going to when,
“Fish coming in hot on your left.” Screaming I jump from the water and run to Levi climbing him like a tree.
“Don’t let it eat me!” To late do I realize my legs are wrapped around Levi’s hips. He’s laughing so hard I’m shaking.
“I can’t believe that worked!” I smack him on the arm and stay close to him so he can’t see anything. I want to throttle him but before I can,
“Ir’s not the fish you have to worry about eating you.” His hands give my ass a squeeze and I squeal,
“Put me down you big bag wolf.” Levi chuckles before putting me down.
“Yes ma’am see you at the camp site.” Why was that so easy? Levi uses long strides to make a quick get away. The last time he did this… Picking up my clothes I cringe. Yoga pants, white tank, no under things. Seriously, who gives a womana white tank after a shower with no towel? Though this time I’m not mortified. He wants a game, fine. I’ll give him one.
Pulling my clothes on, my wet skin instantly makes my tank completely see through, while my yoga pants become a second skin outlining everything. Taking lots of long deep breaths, I know I can do this. I can be confident. I mean it’s not like I’m going to sex him and even if I did he’s not the same man as the one who hurt and embarassed me to a school full of thousands of people. Climbing the path I see Levi sitting by the fire facing me. His eyes lock on mine before roaming over my body. The Goddess inside me ruffles at the attention.
I walk slowly to Levi, his eyes never leaving my body. I gave my hips an extra sway and am rewarded by sweeing his adams apple gulp. I point at his lap,
“Is that seat taken?” He takes to long to respond so I take the liberty of making myself comfortable, wiggling around on purpose until seeming to find a comfortable spot. Turning to look at Levi I pretend to be shy.
“So, whats for dinner? Levis arms slowly run down my hips before squeezing my thighs. This time I squirm accidently.
“You’re playing a dangerous game Clover.” My cheeks heat instantly.
“And here I thought that this was a game you started and I’m just participating.” Levi doesn’t answer. My sudden boldness deflates instantly.