

Love Grown

WickedOne they call him, A quiet, not like every other guy, full of style && fine is what he was.. He didn't even have to try, he just was... Everything && more already ~you wanted to be right next to. him all the time.....((Well at least I sureee did)).......From the bay ~ a full of heart, and city sanjose sharks guy..I loved his vibe....I was with it.. Whatever this gorgeousness was selling ~ I was buying.......Me, over here the complete opposite, church going for the majority of my life~ I just stopped going actually a few months before he moved down...mid valley girl..I was starting to go out and party a lil..at 16...i was ready to see what this world had to offer me....I didn't have no earned strips..or tales of any crazy nights.....but I'm sure he did....I was fanzantied...Every word he spoke I was caught up on...
.....California~ we both are home grown....&& I was loving this new friend I just met...He was definitely standing out && different....

© SabrinaMarie