

Skipping stones
I always did love skipping a stone skipping a stone can be very realistic or it also can be mysterious it is finding the right stone to skip the flatness of the stone also and the thickness and it's very important also the beauty and the color of the stone and the roughness smoothness of the stone to me if you can get several skips out of a stone it's perfect for skipping think about all these things before skipping this stone and realistically you saw the stone you touched it and you pondered on the stone In all reality of the stone as you throw this stone into a glassy pond of water the stone skips several times unable to count the skips of the stone suddenly the stone drops and went to the bottom never to be seen again the stone lies there on the bottom forever the stone stirred up water causing ripples traveled across the surface of the water the ripples finally disappeared into the side of the banks going into eternity forever the great mysterious beauty of the things of God far beyond our comprehension and understanding just by skipping flat stone across the water after church my pastor and myself were talking about skipping stones and God bought this into a beautiful reality and mysterious things of God
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