

Self-Talk: ALJ-Awareness & Peace
ALJ: I only wanted to send a simple text to ask a friend if it was okay to ask if they were okay, and to offer my presence and support. But then decided not to send, because these thoughts came to mind

ALJ Self thought : Am I afraid of the response, worried that  a simple concern may create confusion, or cause defensiveness or a misunderstanding?💭

Then this internal response to my concern rushed in:

Self talk response:🔊 " ALJ, if it does not feel right to you to do such a simple thing as this, then do not do it. (Yet.)"💭

At first I worried that If I did not do it, I felt like I would be missing out. But missing out on what,  when the absolute and primary way to have resolved the internal (doubt) dialogue quickly would have been to have first realized that I was only feeling the absence of a friend and was simply missing them. 

Although, I did not and still have not communicated this with them yet. I have decided to quiet my insecurities by instead choosing to wait . Because I am learning to realize that if doing simple things (little things) such as this does not feel right at the time. Then  its simply not the best time for it to be done. For the best time is when one feels aware of their feelings and is at peace with what they're doing.
