

Tapping on the Window
Raindrops tapped on her hospital window. They tapped rhythmically, as if they were whispering secrets in her ear. She watched them stick on her window glass and race the way down to the window frame.

Her forehead was feeling the chill of the cold rain out side her window. She eyed an unmoving raindrop. Then, she raised her hand, tugging the IV attached at the back of her hand. She stretched a finger towards the glass.

She tapped once then twice. She tapped the third time until the raindrop slid and touched another. Then it slid quicker down, leaving a trail in its wake.

When she sighed, her warm breath clouded a portion of the glass. She stared at how slowly it cleared. Then she breathed on it again.

Her forefinger touched the clouded area and left a clear dot on it. She placed it again on the same spot then let her finger slide down. She made another parallel line beside it. She stared the lines for while before the cloud disappeared again.

She breathed on it again.

The lines she made reappeared but were slightly misty. She mused for a while before placing her finger back on the glass. Her finger slid down on a curve then slid back up.

She stared at the little smiley face on her window. Then, a faint smile appeared on her small pale lips.
© rena