

They Called it Ones thoughts Made the Air into cash
Have you ever been impossible an imported by the things you hear or see. well this is what happened to addens a creater and inventor. He would change into the things he sees and here's all day.
An the people of the town were amazed at all the out comes that one had to go
through to be a genius. So he finally had a light shin from that body and world
turned into wonders and he changed because he was part of that any did not know . Then when he learned he created a way not to change. But when his body couldn't change then his face expressions changed and it was if as uncontrollably movements that took over and then he stopped. But you know what he did do while he was here.
He gave us great times and moments in his notes and science about how to function like this one that. But hidden in his ideas was the unknown formulas
to get riches. So all tryed to use his formulas An made millions more then they ever had before. And it changed the game for most. Yes hard thoughts and art never paid so well. Anyhis was because people were looking for the one thing that made them happy An this was Relaxation therapy. Oh the know on how to release an relax your thoughts and minds will get you in less
trouble then those who not read up on this formula he makes you see to gain true creative ideas to spring out as sellable tools and livable ways. So when anyone opened the formula it was fights some say it was the formula. But others say it was a dream come true in a now pandemic world of taking your lemons and making lomenade. So you could squeeze the juice and fill a bunch of cups and even have some left over just like riches gained off of ideas that brought you in to a new level of thinking. An it was all do to that formula whiched guided you into
what might be called a better place.
So study algebra, trigonometry, and geometry to gain knowledge on how to create video game characters concept s and riches when people really digging your ideas. Or if it was other creations
imbark on those and make it the new
hot item that everybody just could not love without and you go sales of a life time. All because of one man who never knew he had the formula to change his life into butter and bling with drinks around the way. On days like this super hot days.
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