

The Elementrials
Chapter 1
The End of The Five Nations

In the beginning our world was divided five ways, creating five nations, and this brought turmoil and strife. These nations were at war on a regular basis. This was slowly destroying our world.

Soon it was to the point to were the nations could no longer be classed as five separate nations any longer. The Elements took control and created a new system. They selected a young woman, pure of heart and soul, and imbued her with all five of the elements to allow her to communicate with the elements as well as inform the population what the elements wanted from then on. She was the first queen of our knew world.

As the queen reaches her fourties the elements choose a new female as she was conceived that was just as sure of heart and soul. The queens have a distinct look that sets them apart from everyone as well as the children's own parents. Her hair will be white as snow with icy blue eyes for she would have been forged from the winter snow. She has fire in her eyes and cheeks. The air in her heart and soul, fearless as the raging river and as strong as the unmoving mountains.

Chapter 2 to be posted tomorrow 5/26/2021......

(The Elemental Series)
© A.R.Kaetterhenry
©Amanda R. Kaetterhenry
© A.R.Thorn
© A.R.Kicinski
© A.R.Eddy
©Amanda Golden-Flidais
©Synessa Rinna Altiria
©Althiea Brayan Silvara