

I Lost a Friend Today.
We went out to dinner with my spiritual father last night. We were catching up on how much life has changed, friends who passed away, left the truth but also friends who stayed faithful to Jehovah after all these years.

We just finished paying the bill and were talking about a friend we were looking forward to seeing while we’re here. A friend we always see everytime we visit.

As we were talking, he gets a phone call from a friend, she’s crying saying her husband just passed away. They are the only friends we’ve ever had that would come to visit us during our Bethel assignment. The only friends we ever vacationed with.

We immediately went to the nursing home where he passed away right from the restaurant to be with his wife to give her support. We were crying on the way there Just trying to process what just happened…. As we pulled into the driveway I realized it was the same place I use to visit my grandmother and she passed away in the same facility during Covid but I couldn’t come to see her due to the government restrictions.

The flood of emotion and memories were so overwhelming. For she is the one who introduced me to Jehovah and taught me the truth. I couldn’t help but to think of her as we were pulling in to park. but then suddenly, I remembered why we were here…my dear friend just passed away and his wife was inside alone and distraught.

When we arrived, no one was there to comfort her except for the nurse on duty that night who was also crying. To see someone so empathetic to someone else’s pain was endearing to see…. when Michelle saw us coming through the door, she cried even more as we embraced her in an effort to give her an inkling of comfort.

Last night was super depressing.
She went home with his parents and asked me if I could clean out the room where he was laying. because she couldn’t go in to see his lifeless body. she didn’t want to remember him that way…. She asked if I could drive her car back to her mother in laws house. It was a stick shift. So of course I said yes. Anything to help.

As I’m walking down the hall with the nurse, she handed me some bags that I could use to clean out the drawers. she said she wouldn’t come in but would give me time. and if anything was left behind she would send it to the family. she told me to take my time and that the mortician would be by to pick up the body .

Seeing my friend dead on the bed as I’m clearing out the room was a little overwhelming. The memories of us laughing, vacationing together, hanging out. Cleaning out his belongings in the drawers and packing everything away…I couldn’t help but to cry just thinking how sad it was to see him no longer breathing and that I didn’t even get a chance to say hello or goodbye I’ll see you soon….it broke my heart.

I miss him so much. This was completely unexpected. his wife will need so much comfort and help. which I know Jehovah will give her what she needs to cope. but it doesn’t make it any easier to accept when you just want to see your friend again.

I hate this place. I hate coming back here. as I mentioned before in a previous poem that “Michigan Makes Me Think of Death” but I’m so glad we were here at the same time to give her the comfort she needed when she needed it the most. That in of itself was an expression of Jehovah love and support to allow all of us to be together in her time of need.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨