

Solitude, a word frequently associated with introversion and melancholy. What goes unnoticed are the events that led up to it and the tranquility that follows it. No matter how comforting solitude may feel, days of internal conflicts are inevitable. Unannounced tedious battles that need to be fought alone. Days of distress when the lack of association evokes tears, synchronizing with the waves of melancholy.
Such ordeals are merely temptations to break down the walls. The big picture is neglected to attain temporary support. The courage gained and valuable lessons learnt though those concentrated experiences are diluted once they are expressed. Compelled into doing what is conventionally correct, channeling thoughts in accordance with mainstream of society, solitude is yearned.
Isolation from the detrimental standards of the society provides room for growth and innovation. Unhindered by the limitations of having to meet up to everyone’s standards, their ideologies, one can focus on his own needs and desires.
Solitude seems laborious at first. With time, it becomes second-nature, bearing insurmountable rewards. The unsettling calm that used to appear before the storm gradually transforms into gratifying peace of mind. On the other hand, humiliating at worst, reassuring at best and frankly overrated lies companionship.
© TheUncoveredThoughts