

Be careful what you ask for.What you want today,you might not want at all tomorrow.
Is always worth asking what we need or should we just go with the flow?

Our wishes and desires never remain the same. Today we want one thing and tomorrow another. Today the people, the relationships and the lifestyle that matters you, tomorrow you might not want at all.

The universe has something in store for each one of us. It gives us what is best for us but most of us interrupt this process of life. We always want things to happen our way and want every desire to be fulfilled. Our vision for life is only short sighted. We cannot see what will follow. When we force and compel that our wishes be granted, we don’t realise that what that gain might lead to a loss at a later stage. Sometimes when things are not working your way, you have to trust the process of life.

Don’t try to control everything in your life. There is a reason for everything to happen. When you trust the process, whatever happens, is best for you.

#wish #desires #what #matters #most #trust #the #process
© Hope David