

WEBSITE (Chapter 3)

Chapter 3

I opened my old account that I always use.

I looked at the time and it was one o'clock.

Because I couldn't sleep, I thought of opening my old account on the Website.

Anyways, my username is Scott.

When I open, there are messages and notifications but I don't take the time to look at even one there. I just thought of going to a page.

I posted there ..


Maybe because of boredom? Idk

I talked to three people but it was just boring until..for some unknown reason, someone caught my attention.

The woman reacted to my post.

She just reacted to my post but I don't know why I become interested so I decided to make a move to talk to her.

Her username is Raive.

- Voice call -

√Sunday, 1:46 Am.

I chatted her and It's surprising 'cause she replied to me quickly.

-I'm hoarse. -

From: Raive.
Sunday, 1:46 Am. √


From: Raive.
Sunday, 1:47 Am. √

- That's fine..-
- Pleassssssee-

√Sunday, 1:47 Am.

She still refused at first but because I'm stubborn she answered my call.


I'm the one who speak first.


She responded.

Her voice...why do I seem to know?

"Wait, where you from?"
I asked.

"Batangas." She answered.

I nodded, I only know the way she speaks but she's not what I think, she is not Xie.

Xie is my ex before I met Nia.

She broke up with me because she said, she didn't want a rival. there were strangers just texting me and she could see that because she knows my account.

How shallow.

We only lasted 2months then.
And it's not that serious either.

While Raive and I were talking I remembered that we had a presentation tomorrow so I practiced and she listened to it.


She said when I finished telling her what I was going to present in front of my classmates.

I sat up from my bed.

"Wait, why are you hoarse?" I asked.

And I found out she was crying because of a problem in their house.

Well, it's normal for us to break down because of the people we see and get along with inside the house every day but it's our responsibility to maintain respect and not let our heart be far from them.

Because no matter what happens, they're part of the life we ​​have.

after we talked about her problem, we decided to sleep.

"End the call." I said as I lay down on my bed.

"No, you're the one will end it." She refused.

No, just end it." I said again.

and then she refused again, I told her again to end the call and repeat.

Why are we so comfortable with each other right away?

"I'm the one who said first to end it."

I defend and then she laughs.

That laugh makes me laugh too.

"Okay, goodnight. Thank you Scott."

She said.

"Good night.. Love"
I said jokingly.

And again, she just laughed at me.

-Call Ended-
2 hrs 20 mins 33 secs at 4:08 AM.

I'm about to close my eyes to sleep but my phone vibrate.

-Good night, Love.-

I smiled and replied,

-No to Love.-

√Sunday, 4:11 AM

-Yes to Love.-

From: Raive.
Sunday, 4:12 AM√

-Yes to Me.-

√Sunday, 4:12 AM.


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