


Do you know how blood smells? Yes, you heard the question right. I know the question may sound strange to you because you've probably seen different kinds of animal bloodshed. Most people have seen various accidents up to the one people lose their precious life. All life at one certain time has witnessed a cut, a bruise or any kind of open wound which makes them see their blood. But with all this experience, have you smell blood.

Quick fact, did you know that the human body is water, with an average of roughly 60%. The amount of water in the body change slightly with age, sex, and hydration levels. To this level, 90% of human blood consist of water, but have you wonder that water alone can't stand in the human body without blood. This tell the importance of blood in the human body. Many people have died of blood shortage which included a delivery woman during child labour, a fatal accident and many other means.

Blood can smell awful if not properly taken care of.
Wait, while I take you on the journey of how I know blood is thicker than water and it can smell very bad if your bleeding didn't stop for a particular period.

August of 2021 is a memorable month for me, but I won't talk much about the situation. Please, don't ask cause the situation is kinda private. So, let leave it that way.
After the cut, I did all my best to close the open wound but the dilemma start that same day when I was stressed the spot beyond imagination.
Yeah, I have learnt my lesson the hard way but I wanna share some tips with you when someone around you or you personally have a little cut in that part of your body.
Don't get me wrong, I never pray for bad things to happen to you or your loved ones cause the pain alone can be unending.
Please, always take good care of yourself.
Below are some tips you can use to run your daily activities.:

1. Your instinct is there for a purpose, always trust them when you feel something. This is the direct opposite of what I did. Despite how strong I feel about that day before the situation, I choose to ignore it. Don't be like me, trust your instinct.

2. If you have any cuts, never stress that spot if you don't wanna wallow in pain in the nearest days. Another lesson I learnt in a hard way.

3. If you've a bleed, always go to the appropriate authority to make sure it stopped.

I have many things to share but I won't bore you this time with the story. I hope to write to you soon.
Bye Friend.