

The rose
Rose's are one of the most beautiful flowers..Its unique, its is set apart from other flowers. It heavenly. It's one of Gods most brilliant creations.

Similarly, The light of the world, Jesus Christ can be compared to a rose. He is sweet, beautiful and is also created by God. John 3: 16..For God so loved the world that he gave us, His only begotten Son , that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

To me, Jesus gives me hope. He is my touch of heaven. Just as a rose bud blooms into a beautiful rose, so to the birth of Jesus was a miracle. He was born through immaculate conception. The virgin birth is one of the most profound miracles in the holy bible.

Jesus was born to bloom into an amazing God. Jesus adds more colour into my life. To me the red rose symbolizes purity, perfection and magnificence .So to does Jesus symbolize brilliance and extreme perfection. He was there before the world begun.

God, the son, and the holy spirit is one. As I analyse the miracles performed by Jesus, I feel so overwhelmed. He turned water into wine. He walked on water. He rose the dead. Healed the blind, etc.

He rose me from my death bed. Someone told me I can be likened to Lazurus ..It was a doctor friend of mine. I had fat embolism. It's a rare condition.. chances of survival are rare. one in a million survive. I was that one!

So I'm thankful to God for saving my life and I'm so lucky to be alive through prayer from the different churches.

Jesus will always be my rose..The most beautiful part of my life!