

The clock struck 4... and the calendar turned 26th of the year's final month. It was when Noah and Zoe heard the chirping sound of their momDrazia. Drazia-the mother bird kissed her daughters and bid them a lovely morning. After the morning formality conversations Drazia asked them to stay in the nest
until she returns back with food. She also warned them not to leave the nest until she flies back.
A long time back,when Noah and Zoe were too little , they lived in a beachside tree inside their beautiful nest. Father Dario, mother Drazia and their cute little bundles Noah and Zoe lived happily in their nest. Despite of their small sized nest, happiness and love flodded in all directions as if the nest had no enough space to occupy that much of happiness and love. Every morning,they used to see the sun rising from the sea waters as if the secret talks between the Sun and Sea came to an end. After the family rejoicing the sunrise, Dario will leave the nest in search of food to feed the entire family.
Apart from the sunrise there were numerous wonders that the family rejoiced together. Of those the chirping sounds that they make during the start of drizzles is always a feast to the entire family. They climb to the peak of happiness whnever chill breeze touches their nest, just like a soothing peacock feather. The day always ends with the beautiful sunset along with a lovely family dinner.
This is not just about one Dario and family.. there were HUNDREDS OF DARIO AND FAMILIES living in beachside trees.
And today..... Zoe began to talk all of these old memories. Noah the elder one warned little Zoe not to talk about this since their mom has strictly told them not to either think or visit their old home again. But this time Zoe was too stubborn. She cried to Noah begging her to take to their old home atleast once. She argued that Zoe was too small that she even forgot how their nest looked like.
After few minutes of thinking, Noah agreed to Zoe's request.Both of them planned to fly to their old home and return back before their mom arrives. With a combined feel of excitement and fear, Noah and Zoe began to fly towards their old home.
On their way, both felt a strange weird feel that they have never felt before. As they flew nearer the strange feeling began to haunt their hearts. It was little Zoe who first cried aloud,"OHH MY GOD!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?"... Meanwhile Noah could feel her eyeballs enlarging on seeing the whole place of their old home totally sunk in water. There were dead human bodies floating in the running water. No matter what rite from toys till expensive cars were flodded ruthlessly. The loud lamenting voiced of half alive humans echoed the whole place. Noah and Zoe saw the worst form of hell on Earth.
Hearts filled with fear Noah and Zoe took a sudden slushy u-turn. On their way back Noah started,"Long back,when you were too little,we lived in a tree by the seashore. Those were our golden days... our mother was so pleased to us... she gave us all her treasures for us to rejoice. One fine day when pappa and me were rejoicing the sunrise these beings named humans came with sharp axes... killed our tree brutally and shattered our beautiful nest into pieces. When our pappa tried ti stop them they thrashed him too"... With tears flooding from her eyes Noah paused for a while. She then began "On that evening mamma and we flew to another new home far away from these greedy humans.
With two minutes of complete silence Zoe asked, We have wings and so we flew to another home, but where will those humans go after destroying all trees? "DO THEY HAVE WINGS??!!!" to fly to another new home?
As the conversation ended Noah and Zoe safely reached their nest before Drazia arrived... but little Zoe again asked to herself DO THEY HAVE ANOTHER EARTH? DO THEY HAVE WINGS??!!
© Thiya