

The woman that are selfless
“Did you know that i loved you?” i know but at the same time i don't want to know.


“how long you did you knew? so, you let me feel this way... then why can't you love me back?”
“i can't say it.”
“c'mon no secrets remember?”
“my best friend was in love with you she is sick and you're the only one that she wanted to be with, she wants to be happy and get married to you! the person i love —

why? why i am thingking this way? my friend need him, why i am being so selfish to give what's the best for her.
“Did you know that i loved you?”


“I love you, so much. i want you” after saying those words to me now he cried.
i look at his shaky hand and i held it.

“The day that i first saw you, i got mesmerized by the beauty of yours. and the day past by that i keep knowing you, the beauty of yours are not just in the outside but also the inside, you're the girl that every man wants and i think i am one of them now. i want you what i mean is i want you to be with me, forever.”

“You can't love me, we're just friends remember?... just let it be like that” i said it. and i know how much i hurt him right now
“Just friends?... You're lying, i know you like me, i can feel it.”
“i don't like you”

i will sacrifice my love for you just so you can be with the person who likes and cherish you.

“Grandma? what happened to your best friend?”

i smiled. “She died long ago. i was very happy with her, she is incredible.”

“Did they got married?”

“Yess of course. but after they got married, she died... he also died too.”

“I'm sorry”
“don't be sweety”
“It hurts, when you lost both person you love the most”
“You're right but I'm more happy with them and i love both of them”

i hope you knew
how much i don't want you in my life
but you're the first who make me felt wildly unsure
and that's the scariest part of falling for you
and the fact that i had no idea what i'm going to do
then i would rather lose you
and i know why i had to
© RaihAyashi