

Is it Because of You?
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? she went back to her room feeling dreadful, she thought a good bath would help her. Entering the bathroom, she filled the tub, lit a few candles, and started playing her favourite song. And she was right, a warm bath surely did the trick, she felt warm and cozy and eventually forgot about the imaginary person outside her window. She sat there humming to the song when suddenly the lights started to flicker. She got quite and silently watched the lights go on and off, thinking it was just the electricity. Then the bathroom was enveloped in darkness and only a streak of light was emitted from the candles. She sat there scared but patiently waited for the electricity to come back. After a while, which felt like eternity, she knew the electricity wasn't coming back any time soon. She carefully slid out of the bath and got her robe on. She didnt have her phone with her so she got a candle, holding it carefully so that she doesn't burn herself . Walking through the halls,scared and creeped out, when she suddenly felt a presence behind her. Swiftly turning around, she screamed "who's there?!" she looked at the same window from earlier and slowly walked towards it..and yet again, no one was there. Slightly relieved, she continued her path down the hallway and into the living room. She wanted to find her phone, which she left on the couch, at least that is what she remembered. She set the candle on the table and walked towards the couch,touching her way there. She started touching the couch hoping to finally find her phone. After some time of touching one side, she starts moving her hand to the other side of the couch.Slowly she started patting the couch and finally, she touched something. she sighed in relief but then she started feeling it and she gasped as she jumped backwards. what she touched was surely not her phone...but it was a human hand...she tried to make out the person but it was too dark. She then ran to the kitchen, grabbing a knife as well, then went back to the living room. Once she got there, she noticed the person still sitting on the couch and didnt seem to be moving at all. while feeling around her and coming closer to the individual, she passed by a table where she found her phone. she quickly turned on the flashlight and pointed at the intruder. She saw a man just sitting there, so she decided to risk it and move to stand infront of him to get a clearer view. Let's just say.. she was mortified by what she saw. The man had blood running down his neck from the slit at his neck and it was like his eyes were removed from his face and blood was dripping from their place. She started crying and went to call the cops..but then she noticed something moving in the corner of the room. quickly she turned but nothing was there, turning back, she let a bone-chilling scream......
The man was no longer there.....
She stood there frozen..until she heard something behind her. Without turning back.. she quickly ran upstairs into her room and locked the door. Tears were falling down her face as she tried so hard to breath, but she was too scared, too frightened to move. Then she finally decided to call the cops. She pleaded for help and eventually waited for the cops to arrive. That is when she heard it...a knock...then another one, then another, another and another until she couldn't take it anymore.. she put her hands on her ears shaking violently and started walking backwards. Then she suddenly tripped over something dropping to the group and scraping herself with knife that is far away from her. She looked and screamed as she started crawling backwards. The man stayed on the ground, still not moving.she started screaming, but was quickly cut of as she heard him humming..she recognized the song, it was her mother's favorite song before she was brutally murdered. she started crying even harder. That is when she finally heard him speak. He had this almost demonic tone"see...isn't this better...u should have left me alone...but your greed was too much...see....." He then just trailed off....."what are you talking about?" she replied hesitantly..."it was all because of you I lost her....."..





"just kidding...."

A couple of minutes later the police finally arrived at the house. They then decided to check upstairs, that is when the entered the bedroom...

blood was all over the place and on the wall were the words

"You'll never save them