

Sometimes reality is just too much to handle. So many obstacles blocking your path, so many decisions for you to make, so many questions that go unanswered, so many memories you wish to forget.

This is a little hard for me to admit, but I once thought of committing suicide. I know it sounds extreme but at the time I was really down and it felt like the whole universe was against me.

But do you know what saved me?

Books. Stories. Writing. Reading. That's what saved me. I started writing stories, and poetry. And I pretended I was the characters, that I was in those stories.

Reality was no longer a bother, things no longer mattered to me. Just the pages beneath my fingers and the words sprawled across the paper.

It might sound selfish but I was so glad to finally get away from my family. I was happy to get away from my home, from my town, and far away from those depressing thoughts.

All that mattered was the new worlds those books were taking me to. The new people I was meeting and the new things I was doing. After I started reading, life became so much easier to get through.

Then I started writing stories. They were really bad at first. But then I started taking creative writing classes, and I learned so much more. I still have a long way to go. But I'm finally proud of something I'm doing.

I've always made so many mistakes. Tried to do so many things and failed because I wasn't good enough. I can't sing, my voice isn't pleasant. I can't draw, just doodle small hearts and stick figures. I can't do a lot of things.

But I can write. And I can read. And I can finally get away from all this pain that's been driving me insane. Books are beautiful. Libraries are beautiful. Writers are beautiful!

If you enjoy writing, no matter how bad it is, just keep going! It doesn't matter what people say cause I can tell you that no matter what, someone will appreciate it! I appreciate it! So keep writing and keep learning cause that is so amazing!

(wow. i've been surprisingly upbeat and positive lately. i have this app and all the friendly people on it to thank for that. so thanks for making my life better just by being here.)