

Missed a dad I never had...
I called my father today
Eyes beaming with pride
Head still dizzy from cheers
Wanted to tell him
I did it ,dad
I made it to the top ,
They all saw me today
As I won the trophy
I cried happily earlier that day
His voice didn't change
It was like it’s on monotone
No pride ,no joy ,nothing but disbelief
He never cared about my scribbling anyway
Though he always knew they weren't mere words to me
Didn't expect him to congratulate me
Or wish me best to keep going
He mumbled his conventional 'very good'
(No exclamatory marks needed )
It didn't feel good
It was his signature words to my every big event...every grand moment
First he said to thank god ,
I did and waited
Second he said to thank our ancestors ,
I did and waited
Third he asked did anything important happened today ?
It did and I had just told him that
Then only it hit me like a slap to my face
Louder than all the claps I heard
Dumb girl ,he didn't give a damn !!
He still was waiting on the other end of the line
I couldn’t speak..afraid my voice would betray me
I wasn't hurt just dissappointed
Not in him ,In me
To even think he would care
At last ,he said 'well then bye '
The line went dead before I said mine
The line cut off from the other end
Everything became silent
That's when the first tear of grief rolled down my cheek
All the hurt from smiling so much before the call gone
All the colour from blushing so much before hearing him gone
Only Salt water from a bitter river remained......
Missed a dad I never had

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