

love is the power of every creature to survive on the earth... love is the connection between God and creatures.... love is the bond between everyone... love is the bridge between dream and reality... love is the road between home and destination❤
Now come to know what is love?
For someone, love is life. for others life is love
for some, love is God and for others love is work
for some, love is hope, desire, passion to live life
and for others love is family.
for some love is the inner light
and for others love is the outer beauty
for some love is soul and for others love is divine
for some love is pure flow like water and for others love is between the mother and child.

and at the end love is the pure spiritual divine and the most powerful, passionate bond between the divine masculine and the divine feminine... both are surrounded by blessings and power of God.

love is God ❤