

Is Marriage an Achievement?
People keep asking this question
Me: No, marriage is not an achievement..

If building a house can be a great achievement, acquiring a "paper" certificate an achievement, why would marriage be an achievement?
Marriage is by no means to compare with an achievement. It's a greater accomplishment than any other achievement. It's not just a greater achievement but a great feat. It's not just human approved but a divine arrangement if I may want to go religious. If acquiring an asset, a material thing can be an achievement, humans are more valuable than objects so acquiring a human as yours is by far more worthwhile than anything else. There's no asset in life that's as valuable as having someone you're gonna share your entire life, dreams and make name with; someone who would mean all of you. Millions had gotten to their dreams through marriage and achieve more as a result.

Your Perspective Of Marriage Determines How Positive Or Negative You Judge Things. The fact that marriages fail is not an issue, after all businesses fail too. IT'S NOT COMPULSORY FOR ANYONE TO MARRY but even if your spouse can't give you joy, the joy and satisfaction you have in your children is an achievement to compare with nothing. Seeing marriage as just a routine deal, may be to have support of who would provide for you, wash your clothes, cook for you, give birth to children that carry faces like you, are some of the reasons marriages fail; but couples who see their marriages as a purposeful union do better and accomplish more. Unfortunately, only a few people are selfless and ambitious to see beyond personal interests.

Meanwhile, one of the greatest contribution you can make to the society is by bringing up awesome children with great virtues that would transform the society. If you were able to touch 20 lives, you can train up your children to grow up to touch a hundred lives. If you bring up bad children, you know exactly your impact. A failed parenting is one of the worst failures in life because a badly trained child is a disaster to the society.

I wish parents can stop seeing their children as their own but as their contributions to the society thereby taking time to train them well. Most times parents don't even live to see the greatness of their children, like mine don't live to even see me grow up to this level. Now why did they have me? For the society.

NB: I'm not saying this on a personal perspective, I'm not even married yet neither is it my ultimate priority for now but I'm saying this on a general note for those who get confused when they find this sort of questions online. If you're opportune to get married, go for it and see it as a great feat.
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© Abas Obot