

An echo cried down the long white and grey hallways of a hospital... the unmistakable sound of life. Nine months have passed after conception. A season or a dreamlike timelapse in the mysterious world, inside the womb of a mother. The birth place of mankind's existence. Where one cell became two, and two cells four, multiplying into shape and form. A new connection between body, mind and spirit forged. A conscious being, created out of nothing more than 2 living cells and given life by the Tetragrammaton God of light and love; YHWH!
His Spirit enters and awakens all that I will ever be, experiance and bare witness to become part of life on planet earth. The evolution of from a cell to a living, thinking human being is nothing short of a miracle.
The light in the maternity ward force my eyes shut as my senses come alive. I can barely see the world around me. Strange moving figures and shapes causes a feeling of uncertainty and fear, little do I know that these emotions and feelings will become a great part of my life.
I can feel the sensation of a comforting energy flowing over my face as my mother run her fingers down the side of my cheek. A strong smell fills my lungs and causes me to cough. A sensation of emptiness, pain and cramping inside my stomach, giving way to my natural instinct, to cry. My mother draws me closer and I latch on to her. The sensational taste of warm milk comforts my restless mind and fills the emptiness within me. I stare into her eyes, she is the one who will support me during my time on earth as a infant... She is my mother.
I am alive, I am here.

~ ian