

BTAS: part 20 Z-space
when the ship crashed, everyone was surprised that it recovered immediately. the new nannanoplatepair network, allows the nillisyles to convert Scrap/ruined burnt, or destroyed parts of the ship reconfiguring it to contract the event that just occurred.

the dark matter and dark energy interactions with strilglets and -Anti-matter make the sight up above their heads, a strange unfathomable corruption.

whe The dark energy Moon engine was still offline, but the original team was still on the surface about 70 m east of their location Hamish Dragonlord was nervous
. his anxiety sometimes got the better of him. but he mustered himself the courage from his bother.

Jason was walking down the hall of his sector's Cryo-network seeing most people awake, but the ship's alarms were ringing in his ears. but when it stopped he still could hear the siring.

"Hey, have you seen Hamish D,"

he asked a random passerby, who pointed to the bridge and said he was the captain now,

" he saved us all from a crash landing that would have killed us all in the pods instantly"

he kept running, but Jason Dragonlord was lost, he couldn't remember how to get to the bridge, After twanging in the 23 deck, he saw the transport hub. entering he saw there was an alarm, the attending AI was saying.

"transport Hub off-line, manual transport is possible., please scan your ID, and say the deck you wish to transport to.

he held his palm print, the scanner activated and he said "bBridge2"

as the transportation sequence initiated, the portal opened and he fell down, appearing in the bridge Transport Televators.

the bridge was quiet, nobody apart for 2 people,

hey have you seen Hamish D

the engineer pointed to the surface of the DE-BH containment moon. is that it?

he asked, with confusion.

"how did we make it here 5 years early.?

© TLTSU Samuel H Hunwick

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