

Rain 🌧️ is coming for wash
Rain is coming 😌
For wash your all sorrows
And coming to bring enjoyment in your life.
So just go in the rain and feel what nature is saying to you.
Rain is nature's blessings to tell us that animals,birds, insects and people on earth are alive, they're fighting with lot in their life, and now it's time realise them what they did is beautiful and now it's time to celebrate your existence.
We always remind someone in our mind, whenever we are watching rain drops falling and hope our fairytale person also happy like us.
Rain 🌧️ tell us so many things,we never hear it deeply,lite rain tells us to be alive,the smell of soil give us taste of nature and love, Heavy rain tells us, it's time to eat some snacks and to feel cold waves with humidity.
Most important stroms,floods and cloud burst realise us what we did to our beautiful planet 😔

#saveourplanetearth🌏 #climatechange