

My True Self Episode 4 😉😁
I went back to the class but only Danny was in class, I asked him where everyone is, he said they went to the cafeteria, I was about turning when he told me to wait, I turned back, he came closer to me and told me a direct statement, "I like u Frankie" I opened my eyes in shock, he said that he was very serious, I told him that I am sorry that I got to go, I ran out of the class and went to the cafeteria, I saw Loveth and Lina coming out with a little bag back, they gave it to me, I was so hungry, I opened it and started eating it on the road, I trashed the bag in the trash can and went to class and I drank water being so satisfied. Our next teacher entered the class, she was so nice, her name is Mrs Lucin, she teaches us English and it was so interesting and interactive, I answered a lot of questions and everyone was surprised, we were given assignments. we went to the hostel and freshened up and had our nap, woke up, went for lunch, we went back to the hostel to wear our sport wear and I went to the basketball court, Charlie, Danny, Leo and other players were already there, I was late, Mr Mulin came to me and told me that I could participate in the sports, I leaped in joy and thanked him so much, he joined me in the CIAGs club meaning Charlie Intention AIGs club, I was the only girl in the whole of the club and basketball game.

Mr. Mulin said that we are having a competition iwth another school by tomorrow, I was so happy, we had a lot of training, I was tired, Charlie and I went to the garden, we chatted for some time, he then told me that he likes me or should he rather say loves me, I also like him but I can't say yes to him that easily, I told him that he should give some time, he came closer and drew my neck closer and kissed me on my neck, I immediately realized and ran away to class, the prep bell was rung and we started reading, I did all my assignments and helped my classmates that came for my help. u was tired and I slept off, when it was prep over, Loveth woke me up, I told them that I had no strength to walk, they went to the next class and called Charlie, he came and he told me to climb to his back, I refused by shacking my head in disagreement, he dragged me up and carried me on his back, I slept off, I heard shouts and woke up in fear. I quickly came down bcos they were shouting because Charlie was carrying me, I was about entering my room when he dragged me and held my waist, reminded me about our discussions and he started kissing 😘 me , everyone started shouting and they began videoing us, I tried to release myself but he was too strong for me, he finally released me when he was satisfied, I immediately ran into my room, why was I blessed with beauty, I am tired of being forced into love. I undressed, did the necessary and slept off.

According to our handbook, Tuesdays which is today is always a free day fit different school competitions, today is the basketball game competition and we use are playing against one of the school I went to when we were looking for school that I would be fixed in. The name is Lily Bright Academy (LBA), the players were already trooping in, we went for breakfast and went to the field for jogging, at about 11:30am, everyone was already gathered at the pavilion basketball court, I was playing first match with Charlie, Danny, Leo, Frank with 6 more guys and Mr. Mulin, our coach. I really loved this, we arranged ourselves and the referee blue the whistle and the game begun, it was hard to really beat our opponent, we were defeated 2-0, this git me upset, on the second match, I was determined to make my school proud, the whistle was blown again, we finally won with 8-1, I was happy, I was the one who scored all, I was being lifted and hailed, "Frankie! Frankie!! Frankie!!!", later in the day, Mr. Thumbnail called me to his office, I bowed my head in respect to him, he told me to sit, I declined that there was no need for it, he gave me box from my sister, Crisptison, I thanked him and he told me to keep up the good work. I said "Thank you Sir". I left the office to the hostel, changed, opened the Bex and saw a 👗, jewelry, shoe and a note which says:
"Dear Frankie,
how are u doing, this dress is for your new date, if you eventually have a new boyfriend, just look smart, wear re really missing you, good bye and take care of yourself".

I just smiled, I took my bath and wore the cloth, it was a short Knicker and it's shirt, red in color, a white canvas, golden necklace and earrings. I hung my bumbag and left to class, as I entered the class, everyone turned and started staring at me, after sometime, they started hailing "Frankie, our basketballer! Frankie, our basketballer!! Frankie, our basketballer!!!". I told them to please keep it down, I went to the next class to look for Charlie, he was talking with his guys, I sent a message to him and looked outside the window, he came outside and dragged me in, I was shy, they were all looking at me, especially Danny, Charlie dragged me and sat me down on his lap, everyone in the class gasped, I couldn't move any part of my body, u was extraordinarily shy, I crossed my hands on his neck and buried my face on his body, they started laughing, he stood up and carried me to a place, it was the school restaurant, he sat me down on the chair and he sat down, he asked me why I came to meet him, I told him I came to give him my reply, he told me to go on, I began stammering in fear, I haven't ever behaved like this before to any guy, I was always bold, "I love you too", I then bent my head down, he touched me on my head and raised my it up, he came closer to me and started kissing me, I also submitted myself into it, he held my waist tight and I held him on his shoulder, I removed my face and told him that I was hungry, he asked what I wanted to eat, I said I wanted to eat Cake and apple juice, he ordered and paid for it, he was feeding me, actually, no guy I dated b4 have ever done such, he used his thumb to wipe away the one that was hanging on my mouth but before he could do it, I kissed him with itand said "Now we both got it" and we laughed, I tookso many pictures of us, I became tired and slept off, he carried me back to my hostel and lay me down on the bed, my hands were still crossed on his neck, he was about leaving, I dragged him and I started kissing him, thank goodness that it was only Loveth and Lina that saw what I did, I did not know what I was doing. I slept till the next morning......
© Sparklës