

The Caged Peacock- Beauty lies within. Episode 3
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Guess what she did, she treated me as a stranger as if she never saw me before. It really hurt me as I talked to Maryam and she was giving me some attitude. "Wow! so people do change in seconds" as I thought. It wasn't more than a month since we met. I left her and went to someone else.Her name was Zeenatu, I met her during my aunt wedding. She recognised me and was nice to me. I was glad someone was nice to Me, the sadness faded away quickly. At least there was someone I could mingle with. Seeing the reaction of my former classmate, I didn't want to go to the others. I surrendered and I wanted to stay with Zeenatu all day long.

Wait, you guys are just reading my story, you didn't bother to ask for my name. Well I won't tell you until you ask and I will be sad if no one asks and be forced to say it myself without anyone requesting.

Back to my story, we were then asked to assemble for welcoming address since lot of students have arrived and it was already 8:00am. We all went out together as I sticked to Zeenatu like a magnet. She was short and she was at the front and I stood behind her since we were going out in a row according to heights. I was also little and small by that time. I started secondary school when I was nine years of age so there were lot of people that were older and bigger than me. When we were going out, I slipped and fell. It was very embarrassing as lot of attention was on me. I stood up and Zeenatu helped me take my glasses. I didn't tell you guys, I wore glasses and I still do. I was suffering from long sightedness. Wearing glasses deformed my face as the sign and marks of glasses appeared on my face.
Finally on the assembling ground, we were all there as our population at that time was about 80 students. Boys were on the left side and girls were on the right side. A man who dressed professionally suddenly appeared in front of us. He was tall and thin, he was also dark complexioned. He welcomed us and addressed us. He then left the floor for a tall fat man he called the principal. I was definitely tired of seeing new and weird faces that day. His name was Mr.Ibrahim. He was nice and brave as well as a good leader. After the whole address we were shared into classes and I ensured I stayed with Zeenatu.
Unfortunately something happened, what was that? We were......
To be continued.
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© Dr Khushi