

Lekin K Yaini
Each talk is opposite! Each matter is unfair! The world is upside down no matter how coherent strategy is. No wind swirled around but still flowers withered away. Is this an illusion or reality? A hope or clamity! Trying hard over and over again to gain something but owned nothing in return instead of devastating pains.

This corruption looted her peace. Leaving her in deep oceans to weep. She could not surrender her progress yet she had to. She had to leave every goal though she never wanted to. Pinching reality felt like blades. Increasing her tears and leaving scars on her face. She asked herself: , "Is this all I have struggled for?"
Why this journey has been so pathetic? Thinking for hours, sitting on her comfortable room couch she exclaimed , but I have!

I have came this far for a purpose and yelled, "Lekin K Yaini". Sure not understandable but thought opener for Sammar as a pickup line. She was keen in her work though no one ever noticed. She always took care of her peeps though no one ever thanked her. She tried her worthful efforts though completing education was never possible. She cooked and cooked for years for her fam and despite of her unmatachable tastes, no one ever appreciated her. She tried to start a business but all of her ideas went in vain because no one gave her money due to her past full of failures. She fought with everyone but couldn't fight with her fate. So she felt gloomy and retart but thought out a way and called it art. She made wonderful drawings and displayed her hidden emotions through them. Her ora who never understood her presence yet she became a sensation for people in pain. She thrived hard and turned her lessons learned into lessons retrieved. Becoming a handful of sugar for who are hungry indeed. Making paintings day and night and started earning for charitable firms.
Sooner she understood that her life's purpose is not that one she thought or her people who should define it. Salt is black and salt is white but it depends on the recipe that to pick up which one to enhance the taste and define it.

The drawings of hers were mesmerizing. Her soulful art gradually became her voice and a charity fundraiser was presented to the society. She rendered though wondered that has ever been a painting so valuable? But yes it was because it gathered all of her pure emotions in one frame. She earned alot through them but never spent a peny on her. She distributed all of her money in charitable foundations. She did it to live happily with her mother alone who never left her back and was her best "Bad Time, Good Friend". So she chose value for value. She realized that only her mother knows her original value .i.e Her Presence!

© msaminafy