

Staring out this coffee shop window, waiting for you to come through,
our favorite spot, I miss our talks,
but so much has happened since
you've been gone.
I've come here everyday,
waiting and hoping you would
show again, that you would come
back to me and we would pick up
right where we left off.
This place is where we met,
our first date, our first kiss,
a place of many firsts for us.
I just wish I knew why you left,
why you felt like you had to,
everything was good I thought
until I found out you were sick.
You couldn't tell me,
so you left me a letter after
the fact of what happened.
Everyday I come here with this letter, waiting for you, not ready to let go,
with what I know, your not coming back, so I have this letter of yours to me, explaining everything,
telling me it's okay,
we will always have this place,
nothing can take that away,
not even death.
You tell me to be happy and
move on, it's okay to let go,
but If you ever need me,
I'll be at our place, waiting in spirit because our love never dies.
I keep this letter as a reminder
that you really are gone because
the truth is I never would have believed,
I could have never let you go,
never could have moved on
if you hadn't wrote me that letter,
as if you knew, knew how much
I loved you, knew that I would
never be able to get out of my head
and delusions.
You knew me all too well and
prepared me to lose you,
prepared me to let you go and move on. Forever in my heart you are,
this place of ours is sacred,
my sanctuary, my safe haven, my love,
I'm still in denial, I figure it will be
this way for awhile.
Forever yours,

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