

The orphan:10
Ishan only gave a half smile when she left.It was when Ishan decided to go out for break when she noticed everybody busy starring at their phones.When Ishmael came
Ishan:Hey!What's going on?
Ishmael:Free to watch (When he left)
Ishan took his phone turned it on and there was a video of Melisa she was half naked in clothing busy dancing with three men
Ishan:Oh!This is bad
When she quickly began running downstairs when she noticed Melisa who was on the middle surrounded by people who were preparing to beat her.When Ishan stood in front of her all eggs,cabbages,flour were on her.When Raj and Ishmael saw they also interfered
Both:Guys.We need to stop this
As Ishan turned around Melisa was not there when he noticed her carrying her bags wanting to leave
Ishan:(Breathlessly)Hey!Where are you going?
Melisa:(trying to seem okay)Shouldn't you leave when you feel like you are no longer needed?
When Ishan caught her arm
Melisa:Hey!Where are you taking me?
When Ishan arrived at the school assemble and stood there at the front when they began throwing eggs at her
Melisa:(worriedly)Hey you.....
Ishan:I am fine
When they stopped throwing eggs
Ishan:I know that your angry with her.But let me ask you ,you know that she has never been like that.How many of you say she did it?
When all raised theirs hands
Ishan:(laughing sadly)Suresh you are also raising your hand I thought you would be defending her.Anyway it's not her do you wish to know who did it?
Ishan:(pointing at Vashti)It's her
Vashti:(confidently)Any evidence?
When she turned on the tape recorder and turned on the screen and there was Vashti putting on Melisas face mask
Vashti:Please keep your promise
Man:Only if you do it well
Vashti:I will do it
When Ishan turned it off and left when all people turned to Vashti when she ren away.Melisa stood there not knowing what to do when her phone began ringing
Man:Wow!It seems like you hit a jackpot this time.I am sorry for whatever happened your Dept is arleady paid so no more grumbles between us
When the phone was turned off.Ishan went to take a shower when Roshini took a look at his forehead
Roshini:The cuts a little deep you should go and see the school doctor
Ishan:Thank you.I ll be on my way
When she quickly left and headed towards the school dispensary when she entered she noticed a young handsome guy in white coat with spiky hair sitting on a sofa,busy starring at something on his phone
Doctor:You are warmly welcome
Ishan:Well I have a cut on my forehead so I thought of applying some ointment on it
Doctor:Come so I can take a closer look at it
When Ishan sat beside him
Doctor:Well it's a bit deep but worry not I will apply some oinment on it
When a certain lady entered holding a container
Lady:Here's your meal doctor
Doctor:Mind putting it on the table for me?(when she kept it) Thank you
Lady:(closing the door)Your welcome
When the doctor kept on gloves took some ointment and sat beside her when he took out a scissor cut some cotton wool dipped it in spirit then as it touched her forehead she moved backward
Doctor:Sorry,it really hurts but I won't put much on your wound so please hold on
When he took a hold of Ishans chin and began applying her the medicine when Ishan closed her eyes.The doctor couldn't help starring at her face.When he was done he took a bandage and covered the wound