

One Promise. Chapter - 3
Few days went like that.She came back to her regular college life.Few days later their was a basketball match,and her friend force her to come with her to see the match because she never were interested in going to see the match, but after being forced by the friend she say she will come for they happiness. Every girl from the college came to see today's match because the most famous boy for the college was going to play in today match.The dream boy of most of the girls.su jianan don't know anything about it because she was never interested in that thing,so she was not know anything about it she asked her friends why their some many girls today there...? Her friends reply you don't know today the most handsome boy lu boyan will play,every girl come today to see him play.su jianan reply "oh" she did not remember that the boy she meet on the party evening is him.She seem to be act normal because she was not interested in it she took out her phone and keep reading her book with her earphones on so that she could not hear anything. When lu boyan came out all the girls was excited and Cheer for him but she didn't show any reaction. The boy see that he was also curious to know that which girl didn't not react when he came out. He was trying to see it and when was surprise to see that it was su jianan.He remember her very clearly because from the first time he saw her playing the guitar in the party and the time they spend on the Beach, when he knew that she live in college hostile,from this house he also start to live hostile with his friends his friends was also surprise to see him suddenly start to live in hostile. When he see her a small smile appear on this face.The match starts her best friend Qi ying removed her earphones and told her"we got you where to see the match and not to read your book and listen to music play attention to the match" su jianan reply "you know na I am never interested in all this things" Qi ying reply "I knew but for us enjoy with us" su jianan reply okay fine and she kept her phone inside her bag and her earphones too and when she looked who all the playing she was surprise to see him.She remember him but not him name.She surprising asked her friend"why is he where"her friend reply "you don't know him serious su jianan you don't know him,he is the boy I was talking about the perfect boyfriend of every girls dreams' lu boyan'" she was shocked and reply "it's him....he is the lu boyan" her friend reply yes he is the lu boyan the boy I was talking about. She was shocked really shocked. He saw her that she seeing at him he saw her and smile to him and her reaction was different, she was just shocked to know that the boy she spend her good evening was him.After the match over she forces her friend to live fast as possible.She leave from there but she was confused and shocked. She didn't tell anything to anyone.That night then he checked her class schedule.The next day when she went to class she was sitting a reviewing her note's he came near are and asked"is anyone sitting here..?"she reply no and he sat down all were surprise to see lu boyan in the class. They didn't talk to each other after the class ends he still sit their and read this book,su jianan clearly packed her things and looked at him ,he told "want to go out " she shake her head in yes and lu boyan got up and let her go when she was going she was shy seeing that a smile came on this face.

Excited to know what happened next...
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