

*Daily Writing Challenge: Beauty*

There are two types of beauty I.e Inner and outer. Inner beauty is more important than outer. People starts focusing more on outer beauty. Not only they even we also are focusing on outer beauty. We use different product to look beautiful outer. It's not wrong to focus on outer beauty. Have you focus on Inner beauty? We see many advertisement related to products which helpful for outer beauty. No one focusing on Inner beauty. Being kind to yourself and with someone is the one of the example of inner beauty. There was two students in class named Ananya and Manisha. Ananya would focus on inner beauty like participating in competition confidently, spreading positivity, etc. But Manisha was focusing on her outer beauty like using products to look beautiful from outer, not participating anything,etc. Every month, students would get scores on their activities. Ananya gets more scores than Manisha. If Manisha had focus on inner beauty then think what would happen. Scores are not important but that inner beauty will help you in future. In this case, Ananya had gain self confidence. This will help in future. There will be no stage fear. She will have a idea how to speak and talk Where Manisha is not know about it. Building a Qualities inside you is important factor of life. Encouraging yourself is also important part. Stage fear is one where every student have. But there are some who Motivates themselves and goes forward and they are some who stays there. Someone have said " Outer beauty pleases the eye,but inner beauty captures the heart". Even outer beauty is important. In outer beauty, it not wrong to take care of your body. There are some products we use by seeing advertisement or suggestions without thinking about it disadvantage. Before using, We never see it is harmful or not. There are many people who uses products to look beautiful. Loving yourself is most important part of life. If you love yourself, there is no need to use any product to look beautiful. We just compare our body with others. All are beautiful and unique. Why we need to compare ourselves? See your 5 fingers or 6 fingers Are they same? No then they are happy what they are . Are they comparing?

– Divya D Nayak
Insta: poetryandwritingsbydivyanayak

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